
We've Moved!

Please note, The Shocker Career Accelerator has moved to the Milly Marcus Annex of the Marcus Welcome Center.

New Career Services Platform is LIVE! 

Learn more about Shocker Central.

In this phase, students are learning skills to connect with and communicate their value to employers. Students are participating in multiple, diverse experiences to build career-ready skill sets that match the needs of industry.

Unsure if this is where you are? Answer these questions to find out!
Do you know professionals or employers in the career or industry you are interested in?
Do you have a part-time or on campus job or internship?
Do you know how to describe your skills and experiences in writing?
do you know how to describe your strengths and weaknesses?
Do you have a resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile?"

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Answered no to any of these questions - You need to experience! Click below to connect to resources.

Need to Experience

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Answered yes to all of these questions. You're ready to move to the next phase and see if you are ready to act!

Ready to Act

Need to Experience?

Way to go - you are moving right along your career journey! The second phase of the journey is the need to experience phase. 

The need to experience phase is all about students accumulating meaningful experiences and cultivating skill sets that align with the demands of industry. Additionally, students are building their professional network and learning how to communicate their value to employers on a resume, in an interview, while networking and on their LinkedIn profile. Majority of your time in college will be in this phase of the journey. Strive to participate in diverse experiences and make meaningful connections to bring clarity to your career goals and aspirations. 

Career Ready Journey skills built in this phase are: Explore & Connect, Communicate Your Value.

Image saying "explore & connect"
What do you know and who do you know? These two things can have major implications on your career success. Learn more about different career paths and how to make meaningful connections in the industry.
Icon with text empty boxes below the text reads "Communicate Your Value"

Understanding how to clearly communicate your experiences and skills to an employer can impact your career opportunities. Ensure consistency across documents, platforms, and during in-person interactions by learning when and how to communicate your value. 


Create a resume
A resume is your key to job opportunities. A resume communicates your education, experiences, skills and qualifications.

Schedule an Appointment

Upload your resume to Shocker Central

Upload you resume to Shocker Central and have it reviewed by a trained staff member to ensure your document is up to industry standards.

Shocker Central Updates

Get involved on campus

Joining a student organization is a great way to gain skills, boost your resume, build valuable connections for networking and participate in community service. 

Other Ways to Get Involved

Participate in applied learning, part-time jobs or internships

Participating in diverse experiences helps you gain a wide range of soft and hard skills and helps bring clarity to your career goals. Search for job opportunities on Shocker Central or learn more about micro-internships below.

Shocker Central View On-Campus Jobs Learn More about Applied Learning

Create a LinkedIn Profile

Create a LinkedIn Profile to boost your professional brand and create opportunities to showcase your achievements, expand your professional network and connect with others in your field.

Schedule a LinkedIn Optimization Appointment

Attend a Career Fair

Attend a Career Fair or Job Fair to connect with industry recruiters and find opportunities to gain experience in your field. Have your resume ready and practice your elevator pitch.

View Career Events

Gain skills via LinkedIn Learning or Forage

Use LinkedIn Learning to build business, technology, software, and creative skills and earn certifications. Use Forage to participate in job simulations created by leading employers.

Practice communicating your value

Practice communicating your value to a potential employer in an interview setting. Receive constructive feedback from a career coach in a mock interview appointment. Reference the Interview guide to learn about the different types of interview questions, pre and post interview activities and other tips. 

Schedule an Appointment  Interview Guide Coming Soon