Past Staff Senate Presidents

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Present - 2010

Historical Note

Originally 九色视频 had two staff senates: the Classified Senate and the Unclassified Professional Senate. In 2014, the Classified Senate voted to leave state civil service, becoming instead the University Support Staff (USS) senate. This title differentiation is reflected in the table below. In 2021, the two staff senates,  UP and USS, merged into one senate; accordingly, beginning in 2021-2022, only one president is listed.

Term President Departments

Jason Bosch (resigned mid-year)
Krissy Archambeau

College of Engineering
Undergraduate Admissions
2022-2023 Denise Gimlin Graduate School
2021-2022 Gabriel Fonseca Student Engagement, Advocacy and Leadership
2020-2021 Trish Gandu: UP Senate
Randy Sessions: USS Senate
Strategic Communications
Police Department
2019-2020 Julie Scott: UP Senate
Matt Houston: USS Senate
Office of Financial Aid
Physical Plant
2018-2019 Camille Childers: UP Senate
Michael Turenne: USS Senate
Student Health Services
Police Department
2017-2018 Amy Barfield: UP Senate
Randy Sessions: USS Senate
Counseling and Testing Center
Police Department
2016-2017 Becky North: UP Senate
Johny Buchanan-Spachek: USS Senate
Information Technology Services
College of Applied Studies

Anna Porcaro: UP Senate
Stacy Salters: USS Senate

Online Education
Alumni Association
2014-2015 Brett Morrill: UP Senate
Ali Levine: USS Senate
Information Technology Services
School of Music
2013-2014 Gina Crabtree: UP Senate
Renea Goforth: Classified Senate
Registrar's Office
School of Performing Arts
2012-2013 Connie Dietz: UP Senate
Matthew Albers: Classified Senate
Career Development Center
Postal Services
2011-2012 Kim Sandlin: UP Senate
Matthew Albers: Classified Senate
Office of Student Success
Postal Services
2010-2011 Grady Landrum: UP Senate
Linda Claypool: Classified Senate
Office of Disability Services
Student Affairs
2009-2010 Terry Coltrain: UP Senate
Tanya Wickersham: Classified Senate
General Counsel
Human Resources
2008-2009 Linda Black: UP Senate
Tanya Wickersham: Classified Senate
Health Professions Dean's Office
Human Resources
2007-2008 Delinda Royse: UP Senate
Wanda Hughes: Classified Senate
VP for Student Affairs
College of Education
2006-2007 Tom Brock: UP Senate
Wanda Hughes: Classified Senate
Media Resources Center
College of Education
2005-2006 Janet Harrah: UP Senate
Lloyd Harp: Classified Senate
Center for Economic Development and Business Research
Police Department
2004-2005 Joe Kleinsasser: UP Senate
Lloyd Harp: Classified Senate
Strategic Communications
Police Department
2003-2004 Dotty Harpool: UP Senate
Ellen Abbey: Classified Senate
Central Services
2002-2003 Mike Erickson: UP Senate
Randy Sessions: Classified Senate
University Computing and Telecommunications Services
University Computing and Telecommunications Services
2001-2002 Marsha Gladhart: UP Senate
David Fyfe: Classified Senate
College of Education
Physical Plant

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