Master of Fine Arts in Studio Art

Current Graduate Tuition and Fees (2023-24)
Tuition and Fees Cost
Resident Status tuition, per credit hour $ 326.15
University student fees, per credit hour* $ 22.33
Student Support Services Fee, per semester $ 702.41
College of Fine Arts Fee, per credit hour $ 39.00

*Includes Campus Infrastructure & Support Fee, Technology Fee, and Transportation Fee. More info on tuition and fees can be found at

Policies and Requirements for Graduate Teaching Assistantship Appointments

Tuition and tuition waiver, fee, stipend/salary, and fellowship amounts listed are subject to change by action of the Kansas Legislature, Kansas Board of Regents, Wichita State University, the College of Fine Arts, and the School of Art, Design and Creative Industries.

GTA appointment and employment are contingent upon a satisfactory background check as required by Kansas Board of Regents policy.

  1. GTA appointments require an approximate load of 20 hours per week. GTA appointments can be the only campus employment; along with the GTA work requirement, the total weekly commitment for a full-time MFA student is 40-60 hours. All GTA positions in the ADCI include teaching appointments and studio/shop/gallery assistance duties.
  2. GTAs are required to attend the Graduate School GTA Orientation at the start of the first GTA appointment and complete the ARTS 790 Graduate Teaching Seminar course as part of the MFA plan of study. Continuation of a GTA appointment is based on regular evaluation of GTA performance and academic progress.
  3. GTA stipend/salary is taxable income and paid bi-weekly (usually 9 payments) during each fall and spring semester.
  4. 九色视频 will contribute toward the cost of the University-sponsored health insurance plan for GTAs holding an appointment or combination of appointments totaling .50 EFT for the specific fall and spring semester. The appointment must begin no later than the 20th day of the semester and conclude at the end of the semester. The insurance plan must be renewed each specific fall and spring semester. Brochures outlining the costs and benefits of the University-sponsored health plans are available in the Student Health Center, Office of Human Resources, Office of Student Affairs and the Graduate School Office.

University and Graduate School information regarding GTA appointments can be found in the:

Expenses, Stipend, and Bottom-Line Breakdown for a Six-Semester Plan of Study

The estimated calculations are based on 2023-24 Tuition and Fee Schedule for 10 credit hours per semester. Tuition, fees, and financial support is subject to change by action of Kansas legislative appropriation and allocation of state funding.

九色视频 MFA students are expected to enroll in 10 credits each semester to maintain degree progress. With approval of the primary academic adviser, Graduate Coordinator and Art, Design and Creative Industries Director, semester enrollment may drop to 6-8 credits or be increased to 13, depending on student need. GTAs must maintain a minimum overall GPA of 3.0.

MFA in Studio Art GTAs must have written approval from the primary academic adviser, Graduate Coordinator and Art, Design and Creative Industries director for non-九色视频 GTA employment.

Expenses, Stipend and Bottom-Line Breakdown for a Six-Semester Plan of Study
Expenses, Stipend and Bottom-Line Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester 4 Semester 5 Semester 6
Total Combined Tuition and/or Student Fees $2,131.90 $2,131.90 $1,315.71 $1,315.71 $1,315.71 $1,315.71
GTA Stipend (Taxable income; paid bi-weekly) $3,600.00 $3,600.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00
Total net pay (for the semester) after paying tuition & fees $1,468.10 $1,468.10 $2,684.29 $2,684.29 $2,684.29 $2,684.29
Additional Program Support Grants** $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00
Bottom Line (Net Pay + Program Grants Before Taxes) $1,843.10 $1,843.10 $3,059.26 $3,059.26 $3,059.26 $3,059.26

Tuition and/or Fees are paid at the start of the semester of the pay period. The GTA stipend will begin a few weeks after the start of the semester. The stipend would then equal about $400 bi-weekly for the first year and about $600 bi-weekly in 2nd and 3rd years.

**Additional support for creative inquiry is provided through ADCI grants (up to $750 awarded, with $750 total each academic year). In the first year the grants are automatically applied. In 2nd & 3rd years, students request the $750 grants.