Studio B

Live TV. No starting over. No chance to fix it before it gets to the audience. Studio B is a live news broadcast for students. It prepares students for the real-world experience of news reporting, anchoring, producing and photojournalism. Every Friday at noon on 九色视频 Ch. 13, students take their places on the set and put their best work on the air.

Many students get assigned to report and tape news and feature stories. Other students involved in Studio B learn about the technical and production aspects of live television by running cameras, lighting the set and cueing videotape and audio sound bytes.

Those involved with Studio B are expected to follow professional journalism standards. In addition to journalism skills, students grow to better understand the "teamwork" nature of today's fast-paced, electronic newsroom.

Studio B isn't just for broadcast journalism students. Anyone in the communication field can benefit from the experience of telling stories with pictures, and performing beneath the hot lights, talking to an audience through a camera.

Over the years Studio B students have won numerous awards for reporting, producing and photojournalism. At the same time, Studio B has been the springboard into jobs before and after graduation.

Want to be on TV? Come join us!


Kevin Hager, associate professor
(316) 978-6071
Email Kevin Hager

Latest episode of Studio B - October 2, 2013

from on .