2022 Shocker Mindstorms

2022 Shocker MINDSTORMS Challenge


2022 Overview and Timeline 2022 Team Registration (Team registration is closed on Jan. 28th 2022, 11:59 PM) 2022 Line Follower (Apprentice)
2022 Answers 2022 Registered Teams 2022 Olympic Rescue (Apprentice)
2022 Awards 2022 Volunteer SignUp (Volunteers should signup by Feb. 20th 2022, 11:59 PM) 2022 Maze Runner (Apprentice)
2022 Challenge Day 2022 Trial Day 2022 MOMS (Apprentice)
2022 Sponsors 2022 Team Display

 2022 The Ascent (Professional)

2022 Rules Info 2022 Team Interview  2022 Driver's Test (Professional)
2022 Questions 2022 Team Notebook  2022 A Bridge Too Far (Professional)
2022 Missions Challenges 2022 Team Presentation  2022 Memory's The thing (Professional)
2022 T Shirts 2022 Table Runner (Apprentice) 2022 All Things Considered (Professional)
2022 Award Summary 2022 Towers Of Doom (Apprentice) 2022 Secret Course (Professional)

2022 Shocker MINDSTORMS Steering Committee:

Perlekar Tamtam, Coordinator, 九色视频 College of Engineering

Randy Brill, GKN Aerospace
Kirsten Jensen, Textron Aviation
Steve Smith, Allison Traditional Magnet Middle School