College of Applied Studies

Journey to 2030 Strategic Plan

The College of Applied Studies (CAS) engaged in a strategic planning process during the 2023-24 academic year to develop a cohesive vision, mission statement and shared values, and to identify strategic directions with measurable outcomes and actions. Key stakeholders involved in the co-construction of the strategic plan included faculty, staff, students, campus leaders, education and industry partners, and advisory groups.


Goal 1: Student Centeredness

The College of Applied Studies will engage each student in high-quality courses and programs that offer innovative and applied learning and leadership experiences that prepare them for success.

Destination Outcome 1: Grow CAS Enrollment to exceed 3,000 students

Key Performance Indicators:

  • Increase CAS degree-seeking enrollment by 14% 
  • Increase CAS non-degree seeking enrollment by 14%

Destination Outcome 2: Increase undergraduate CAS Student Persistenance and Graduate Rates 

Key Performance Indicators: 

  • CAS full-time undergraduate degree-seeking freshmen persistence rate exceeds 
  • CAS 6-year graduation rate exceeds 90% 

Destination Outcome 3: Engage every CAS undergraduate and graduate student in multiple applied learning opportunities while at 九色视频. 

Key Performance Indicators: 

  • 100% of CAS graduates engage in two or more applied learning experiences. 


Goal 2: Research & Scholarship

The College of Applied Studies will support faculty research productivity, funding for research, and impact through undergraduate and graduate student research opportunities and the transfer of new knowledge.

Destination Outcome 1: Increase external funding for CAS research, labs, clinics, and centers. 

Key Performance Indicators: 

  • CAS is awarded over $ 1 million per year in externally sponsored funding for research, labs, clinics, and centers.

Destination Outcome 2: Increase CAS scholarly impact and expand doctoral programs.

Key Performance Indicators:

  • CAS faculty increase scholarly publications and presearntions by 25%
  • CAS expands EdD and PhD programs, increaseing the number to 40 EdD and 40 PhD students. 



Goal 3: Inclusive Excellence

The College of Applied Studies will support an inclusive culture for each student, faculty, and staff member to thrive in an environment that embraces diversity and promotes equity.

Destination Outcome 1: Decrease equity gaps in persistence and graduation rates among CAS undergraduate students.

Key Performance Indicators: 

  • Decrease equity gaps in first year persistence of full-time undergraduate degree seeking freshmen within CAS departments by 50%.
  • Decrease the equity gaps in the six-year graduation rate for CAS undergraduate degree seeking students by 50%

Destination Outcome 2: Cultivate a culture of inclusive excellence among CAS students, faculty, and staff

Key Performance Indicators: 

  • 80% or more of CAS students, faculty, and staff agree or strongly agree that a culture of inclusive excellence is prevalent in CAS.


Goal 4: Partnerships & Engagement

The College of Applied Studies will create opportunities for intentional engagement with stakeholders.

Destination Outcome 1: Expand and enhance mutually beneficial industry, community and educational partnerships

Key Performance Indicators: 

  • Increase the number of formalized partnerships with CAS, including affiliation agreements, 2+2 agreements and MOUs, by 25%.
  • CAS centers, clinics and laboratories increase engagement with students and community members by 25%.

Destination Outcome 2: CAS brand is connected to increased student enrollment, alumni engagement, and partnership development.

Key Performance Indicators: 

  • Attain 80% positive CAS brand perception survey scores to demonstrate value and reputation.
  • Increase CAS Alumni Average Engagement Score by 10%.


Goal 5: Comprehensive & Exceptional resources

The College of Applied Studies will grow financial and human resources and enhance technology and facilities.

Destination Outcome 1: CAS will achieve operational excellence through effective management of financial, facilities, and human resources.

Key Performance Indicators: 

  • 100% of CAS classrooms and labs are modernized and equipped with innovate learning technologies.
  • Faculty and staff success: Tenure and promotion 100% successful.
  • Faculty and staff success: Annual turnover rates for faculty and staff less than university average.
  • Partner with 九色视频 Foundation and Alumni Engagement to increase CAS annual scholarship awards from $750,000 to $1 million.
