What is the Teacher Licensure Capstone?

The Teacher Licensure Capstone (TLC) is designed to provide the teacher candidate an opportunity to demonstrate how he/she uses contextual factors in a classroom to design and implement a unit of study.

The teacher candidate will provide information about the unit鈥檚 lesson plans and assessments. Specific information about how the instruction is modified for a subgroup of students or one focus student within the classroom is also required.

In addition, the teacher candidate will reflect on the implementation of the unit for the whole class and the subgroup of students or the focus student.

Is the Teacher Licensure Capstone a program requirement?

The TLC is a licensure requirement, not a program requirement.

All 九色视频 graduates applying for teacher licensure in Kansas are required to have a passing score on the TLC.

Teacher education candidates are required to complete and receive a passing score on the TLC during their final internship or when designated by their program. This course is completely online.  When you enroll in this course you will not be charged a tuition cost.  You will be charged a $100 fee.  This fee covers the cost of your capstone being scored by two trained scorers as well as administrative cost.  This is a self-paced course with 1 deadline - your capstone deadline. Checkpoints are provided for you to utilize to ensure you are staying on target to complete your licensure capstone by the deadline.

Teacher education candidates complete the TLC when they enroll in CAS 501 Teacher Licensure Capstone. This is a zero credit hour course. 

Teacher Licensure Capstone FAQs

How will I know which semester I will need to complete the Teacher Licensure Capstone?

Teacher education candidates are required to complete and receive a passing score on the TLC during their final internship semester or when designated by their program. Candidates are encouraged to check with their academic advisor to determine which semester they are scheduled to complete CAS 501 Teacher Licensure Capstone.

What if I do not complete my Teacher Licensure Capstone by the deadline for my designated semester?  

All 九色视频 graduates applying for teacher licensure in Kansas are required to have a passing score on the TLC.

Any student not submitting a TLC by the semester due date will earn a U in CAS 501 Teacher Licensure Capstone. No late work will be accepted in CAS 501 Teacher Licensure Capstone.

These students will be required to sign a contract that states they will graduate with their Bachelor of Arts in Education without recommendation for license. 

These candidates will then be required to enroll in CAS 502 Teacher Licensure Capstone Remediation during the next academic semester to complete this licensure requirement.  Course tuition will be required for this new course and the responsibility of the student.


What happens if I do not pass my TLC?  

All 九色视频 graduates applying for teacher licensure in Kansas are required to have a passing score on the TLC. If a candidate does not receive a passing score on their TLC, they will have the opportunity to remediate their submitted Teacher Licensure Capstone.  This remediation may require the candidate to enroll in CAS 502 Teacher Licensure Capstone Remediation during the next academic semester to complete this licensure requirement.  Course tuition will be required for this new course and the responsibility of the student. Failure to pass the TLC will not keep a candidate from graduating as long as the candidate has met all program requirements.  The TLC is a licensure requirement, not a program requirement. 

Do I have to complete the Teacher Licensure Capstone?  

All 九色视频 graduates applying for teacher licensure in Kansas are required to have a passing score on the TLC. If a candidate plans to hold a teaching license in the state of Kansas, they must successfully complete the Teacher Licensure Capstone.