8.09 / Student Military Leave of Absence (MLOA) Policy

  1. Student Military Leave of Absence Policy Statement

    ɫƵ (ɫƵ) supports students who are members of the United States Armed Forces and Reserve Units. To assist them, as well as protect and safeguard their status as ɫƵ students, and in accordance with federal law, the University has adopted a Student Military Leave of Absence Policy.

  2. Definition

    This policy applies to ɫƵ students who are U.S. military personnel seeking military withdrawal and reentry to the program that they previously attended, or academic completion of current coursework after deployment. They are eligible for readmission under this provision if, during their leave, they performed or will perform voluntary or involuntary active duty service in the U.S. armed forces, including active duty for training and National Guard or Reserve service under state or federal authority, and received a discharge other than dishonorable or bad conduct.

  3. Procedure

    1. An undergraduate or graduate student who meets the above definition may be granted a Military Leave of Absence (MLOA) from ɫƵ for the period of active duty and up to one year after returning from extended periods of active duty.

    2. Students with the MLOA are not required to apply for readmission or pay readmission fees.

    3. To facilitate the return process, the student's record will be noted as a leave of absence for military service.

    4. Military Leave of Absence allows those students to preregister for classes during their priority registration period prior to the term when they plan to return to campus.

    5. For assistance with the MLOA form, contact the ɫƵ Office of Veteran Student Services, or the dean's office of the appropriate academic college.

      1. Requirement of Notice

        A student requesting leave for military service must give advance written notice by completing a ɫƵ Student Military Leave of Absence Authorization Form (see appendix).

        1. The student must also submit a copy of military orders as soon as they are available. If the student is required by the military to leave immediately, a family member or other designated party may submit a copy of the orders and complete the Student Military Leave of Absence Authorization Form (MLOA) on the student's behalf.

        2. To be readmitted, the student must give written or email notice of the intent to reenroll to miltary@wichita.edu as soon as reasonably possible after the completion of the period of their service. If the student is recovering from a service-related injury or illness, they must notify miltary@wichita.edu

        3. A student who does not submit a timely notification of intent may not be eligible for the benefits outlined herein.

      2. Authorization for Student Military Leave of Absence

        All students who will be absent from ɫƵ for either short periods or extended periods of active duty are required to complete the MLOA.

        The MLOA form is available online from the ɫƵ Office of Veteran Student Services. The completed authorization form must be submitted to the ɫƵ Office of Veteran Student Services, Lindquist Hall Rm 107, or online to military@wichita.edu

      3. Short Periods of Military Duty (Up to 2 weeks)

        ɫƵ's academic community includes a number of veteran and military students. At times these students may be called to fulfill their duties for training or short-term deployment, which cause students to be absent from classes for a short period of time. These absences qualify as “excused absences” which means that the absence, with an approved MLOA, is not subject to penalty and coursework may be satisfied through agreement between individual instructors and students.

        1. A student who will be absent for up to two weeks will be allowed to make up any missed work within a reasonable time frame (generally up to 30 days) without a grade penalty. In addition to completing the MLOA, it is the responsibility of the student to communicate in writing directly with each instructor, as far in advance as possible, so appropriate accommodations can be made. Students are also strongly encouraged to complete coursework in advance, whenever possible.

        2. Faculty members are expected to make reasonable academic accommodations or opportunities for students to complete course assignments and/or exams (see c. below) without penalty to the course grade for class absence(s) or missed deadlines due to military training or obligations. Students will provide faculty members with a copy of their approved MLOA and official military documentation (paper, electronic orders or a Unit's memorandum) with as much advance notification as possible for absences that will result from temporary responsibilities of their military obligations. For time-sensitive state or federal emergencies/activations where written documentation may not be available until the end of the obligation, the student is responsible for securing the orders to provide to faculty members upon return to the University.

        3. Military students have the option of contacting the Office of Student Accommodations and Testing for make-up exams at no charge.

      4. Extended Periods of Military Duty (More than 2 weeks)

        A student who will be absent for more than two weeks after classes begin should request a complete withdrawal from the current term, in addition to filing the MLOA.

        1. The student will receive a full refund of tuition and fees paid to ɫƵ if the MLOA is filed prior to the last day to withdraw from classes. (usually two-thirds into the semester).

        2. If the MLOA is received after the last day to drop classes, the student has the following options:

          1. A full refund of tuition and fees, but no credit awarded for work completed during the semester.

          2. An incomplete grade in all courses (with instructor agreement) with the right to complete all coursework without further payment of tuition or fees and a designation that the incomplete was incurred due to active military service. When the student is called to active military duty, and reaches agreement with the instructor(s) to take an incomplete, the student will have up to one calendar year following the end of the semester that the incomplete was given to complete any incompletes.

          3. A grade in each course, if the instructor of each class believes sufficient work has been completed to warrant assigning a letter grade.

          4. Options ii. & iii. may be combined should circumstances warrant.

        3. Additional financial considerations are noted below:

          1. All applicable financial aid awards will be refunded to the appropriate agencies, and repayments of federal student loans will be calculated in accordance with federal guidelines.

          2. Students will be required to return University property, such as keys to residence halls, University computer equipment, library books, etc. prior to their departure. If time does not warrant, students may have a family members or other designated parties accomplish this on their behalf.

          3. Students will receive prorated refunds for housing and meal-plans, if applicable, based on taking the percentage of days registered at the University over the total number of days in the semester (i.e., beginning with the first day of class and ending on the last day of finals).

          4. Student benefits (e.g. Student Health Services) will be terminated on the date of withdrawal. For a refund of a pro-rata portion of any premium paid for University student health insurance coverage, the student is required to provide a written request for a refund to the insurance carrier as provided in the certificate of coverage. Please contact Student Health Services for information.

      5. Spouses of Service Members Called to Active Duty

        Students who are spouses of service members and have dependent children are able to withdraw from classes with a full refund of tuition if the spouse is called to active duty. The same terms and conditions apply to these students as to the service members. Students must present the service members' orders in addition to filing the MLOA.

      6. Re-enrollment

        The University will allow the student to reenroll in the next class or classes in the same program, with the same enrollment status, number of credits, and academic standing as when the student was last in attendance. The student may also request a later date of enrollment or, if unusual circumstances require, the institution may allow the student to enroll at a later date.

        1. If the program determines that the student is not prepared to resume the program at the point the student left off, the program must make reasonable efforts at no extra cost to the student to enable the student to resume and complete the program.

          1. Such reasonable efforts include, but are not limited to, providing a refresher course and allowing the student to retake a pretest, as long as the efforts do not place an undue hardship on the program.

          2. If reasonable efforts are unsuccessful or the program determines that there are no reasonable efforts that the program can take, the program is not required to re-enroll the student.

        2. Re-enrollment in certain professional (lock step) degree programs may require a student to wait until a semester when the classes needed are offered again.

        3. If the program to which the student was admitted is no longer offered, the student must be admitted to the program that is most similar, unless the student requests or agrees to admission to a different program. The student must meet all requirements for admission to the alternate program. Additional prerequisite courses may be necessary.

        4. For more information, please consult the dean of the appropriate academic college.

        5. The Office of Housing & Residence Life will assist the student in acquiring on-campus housing if the student so desires.

        6. If a student elected to take an incomplete in a course, the student must complete the course requirements within one calendar year following the semester the incomplete was given. Extensions beyond one calendar year must be approved by the University Exceptions Committee.

    6. Circumstances that cannot be addressed by this policy will be handled through consultation with the dean of the appropriate academic college. Appeals of a decision by a dean may be made to the Provost in the Division of Academic Affairs.

    7. Additional assistance and information is available from:

      Office for Student Success
      Director of Veteran Student Services
      Lindquist Hall Rm 106

      (316) 978-3207

  4. Revision Dates

    1. August 22, 2023 (maintenance updates only)