Yellow right arrow link header. How to Use a Syllabus

A syllabus provides you with information specific to a course, and it also provides information about important university policies. This document should be viewed as a course overview; it is not a contract and is subject to change as the semester evolves. It often includes the schedule of assignments, exams, projects, etc. you are expected to complete over the course of the semester as well as outcomes of the course and the grading scale.

Yellow right arrow link header. Grading Scale

九色视频 uses a +/- grading scale for final grades and to calculate grade point averages. Below is a sample grading scale for a class that includes the grade points at each grade level. Be sure to understand the different grading scales in all of your classes.

Letter Grade Grade Points Interpretation
A 4.00 A range denotes excellent performance.
A- 3.70  
B+ 3.30  
B 3.00 B range denotes good performance.
B- 2.70  
C+ 2.30  
C 2.00 C range denotes satisfactory performance.
C- 1.70  
D+ 1.30  
D 1.00 D range denotes unsatisfactory performance.
D- 0.70  
F 0.00 F denotes failing performance.

Yellow right arrow link header. Syllabus Template

If you would like to see information about syllabus statements and resources that could be included on a syllabus, download the Syllabus Template here.