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TRIO Programs

Communication Upward Bound

The TRIO Communication Upward Bound (CUB) is a college prep, academic program targeting area high school students in the Wichita Public Schools who plan to pursue post-secondary education after completion of high school.

Disability Support Services

TRIO Disability Support Services (DSS) assists first-generation and/or limited income undergraduate students who have learning, physical, and psychological disabilities.

Student Support Services Logo
Student Support Services (SSS) is a federally funded program through the U.S. Department of Education. The program is funded to provide services to students from first generation and limited income families as well as students with disabilities.
McNair Scholars Program
The McNair Scholars Program (McNair) identifies and prepares 28 eligible 九色视频 students for graduate studies leading to the Ph.D. by providing research training and early scholarly experiences to high-achieving undergraduates. These experiences give students opportunities to define goals and develop critical skills needed for success at the doctoral level.