ࡱ> K %bjbj ;~8i~8iD%  84t7"K7M7M7M7M7M7M7$9<q79q77u u u 0K7u K7u u ,@.g\'.777077..=.= ...=/u q7q77.= X \:  Doris T. Chang Professor Political Science ɫƵ Wichita, Kansas 67260-0017 E-mail: doris.chang@wichita.edu Education The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH Dissertation: Daughters of Formosa: Feminist Discourses and Womens Movements in Taiwan, 1920-2002. Ph.D. in East Asian History, 2002 Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH M.A. in East Asian History, 1994 University of North Carolina at Charlotte, NC B. A. in History, 1992 Academic Positions Professor, Political Science, ɫƵ, 2023 and ongoing. Associate Professor, Political Science, ɫƵ, 2020 to 2023. Associate Professor, Womens Studies, ɫƵ, 2009 to 2020. Assistant Professor, Womens Studies, ɫƵ, 2003 to 2009. Refereed Publications Transformation of Womens Status in Taiwan, 1920-2020. In A Century of Development in Taiwan: From Colony to Modern State, edited by Peter Chow, 243-265. Northampton, Mass.: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022. Legalisation of Same-Sex Marriage in Contemporary Taiwan (2020). International Journal of Taiwan Studies, Vol 3, No. 2: 268-291. Gender Mainstreaming and Gender Policies in Contemporary Taiwan (2018). Journal of International Womens Studies, Vol. 19, No. 6: 344-358. Studies of Taiwans Feminist Discourses and Womens Movements (2018). International Journal of Taiwan Studies, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2018: 90-114. Chen Ch: A Cosmopolitan Leader for Human Rights and Democracy in Taiwan (2015) ChiMoKoJa: History of China, Mongolia, Korea, and Japan Vol. 1, co-authored with Richard C. Kagan, 73-100. What Can Taiwan and the United States Learn from Each Others Guest Worker Programs? (2010). Journal of Workplace Rights Vol. 14 No.1: 3-26 Book-length monograph, Womens Movements in Twentieth-Century Taiwan. 2009. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 2009. Reading Sex and Temperament in Taiwan: Margaret Mead and Postwar Taiwanese Feminism (2009) NWSA (National Womens Studies Association) Journal Vol. 12 No.1: 51-75. Two Women, Two Visions of Nationhood for Taiwan: Madame Chiang Kai-shek and Hsiu-lien Annette Lu (2009). Asian Journal of Womens Studies Vol. 15 No. 2: 7-32. Invited Publications Feminist Engagement in Transforming Laws that Affect Womens Status in Taiwan. In Oxford Handbook on Gender History in East Asia, edited by Barbara Molony, Janet Theiss, and Hyaeweol Choi. New York: Oxford University Press, forthcoming publication in 2023. Transformation of Womens Status in Taiwan, 1920-2020. Taiwan Insight. University of Nottingham, U.K., March 2023. Womens/Feminist Movement, Encyclopedia of Taiwan Studies, edited by Michael Hsiao and Anru Lee. Boston: Brill, forthcoming publication in 2022. Hsiu-lien Annette Lu. In History of Feminist Thought, edited by Tiffany Wayne. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2011. An entry on Taiwanese American history in Asian American History and Culture, An Encyclopedia, Volume II, edited by Huping Ling and Allan Austin. Armonk, New York: M. E. Sharpe, 2010. Book Abstract of Lisa Raphals Sharing the Light: Representations of Women and Virtue in Early China, in Journal of Womens History, Winter 2000. Critical Film Review of PBS Documentary, The Tug of War: A Story of Taiwan. Taiwanese Voices 2: 1 (January 1999): 3, 6-7. Grants, Fellowships, and Awards: Recipient, Taiwan Studies Scholarship Award for Conference Paper, American Association for Chinese Studies, $200, October 2018. Recipient, Professor Liao Shutsung Research Award of the North American Taiwanese Professors Association, $5,000, August 2015 to July 2016 (Refereed). Tilford Fellowship, infusing diversity in the curriculum development of ɫƵ, $4,000, Fall 2013 to Spring 2014. Visiting Fellowship, Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange, $2596.00, May 2006 (Refereed). CO-PI, Information Technology Grant of ɫƵ for Integrating and Sustaining Global Learning in Interdisciplinary Studies, $7700.00, November 2003. Invited Presentations at Professional Conferences and Lecture Series The Cosmopolitan & Multicultural Visions of Dr. Tsai Ing-wen, North American Taiwanese Professors Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, July 2016. What Women Want, What Women Need: Challenges and Opportunities for Female Leaders and Executives in East Asia, Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, D.C., December 2015. Taiwans Feminist Discourses and Womens Movements: State of the Field and Future Prospects, The Second World Congress of Taiwan Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, June 2015. Nationalism, Feminism, and Radicalism: An Examination of Modern Chinese History, Strait Talk Symposium, Brown University, Providence, October 2013. Feminist Movement and the Changing Role of Women, Lecture Series on Taiwan Studies, Columbia University, New York, March 2011. Womens Movements in Twentieth-Century Taiwan, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Cheng-Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, May 2011. . Writing and Teaching Global Feminist Histories, Fortieth Anniversary Conference of Western Association of Women Historians, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, California, May 2009. Presentations at Professional Conferences Feminist Engagement in Transforming Laws that Affect Womens Status in Taiwan, American Association for Chinese Studies Annual Conference, Online Zoom Conference, October 2021. Changes and Continuities of Womens Status in Taiwan, American Association for Chinese Studies Annual Conference, Online Zoom Conference, October 2020. The Debate over the Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage in Taiwan, American Association for Chinese Studies Annual Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, October 2018. Dr. Tsai Ing-wen: President-Elect of Taiwan, Republic of China, National Womens Studies Association Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada, November 2016. Reflections 20 years after the UN Womens Conference in Beijingthe case of Taiwan, National Womens Studies Association Annual Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, November 2015. The Impact of American Feminism on Postwar Taiwans Feminist Movement, Association of Asian American Studies Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington, April 2013. Dr. Tsai Ing-wen on Postwar Taiwans Reception of Western Democracy, International Association for Philosophy and Literature Annual Conference, National Cheng-Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, May 2011. Guest Worker Programs in Taiwan and the United States: a Comparative Perspective, North American Taiwan Studies Association Annual Conference, University of California at Berkeley, June 2010. Female Guest Workers in Taiwan during the Era of Globalization, National Womens Studies Association Annual Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, June 2008. Two Women, Two Visions of Nationhood for Taiwan: Madame Chiang Kai-shek and Vice President Annette Lu, 13th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Scripps College, Claremont, California, June 2005. Envisioning a Taiwan-Centered Feminist Historiography, North American Taiwan Studies Association Annual Conference, University of Hawaii at Manoa, June 2004. The Second Sex, Confucianism, and Individualism in Lu Hsiu-liens New Feminism in Taiwan, North American Taiwan Studies Association Annual Conference, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., June 2000. Taiwans Pioneer Feminist: Hsiu-lien Annette Lu, Midwest Conference on Asian History and Culture, The Ohio State University, May 1999. This paper was refereed as a best conference paper and was invited for presentation at the Midwestern Conference on Asian Affairs, Michigan State University, September 1999. Panel/Conference Paper Discussant at Professional Conferences Feminism, LGBTQ Migrants, Cinema, and Animation Production, Annual Conference of American Association for Chinese Studies, University of California, Los Angelos, October 2023. Chinese Nationalism: Evolution of the Thinking of Li Dazhao, 1889-1927 by Xiufen Lu, Annual Conference of Great Plains Political Science Association, ɫƵ, Wichita, Kansas, October 2022. Mindfulness in the Workplace, Annual Conference of American Association for Chinese Studies, University of Denver, Colorado, October 2022. Contradictory or Reconciliatory? Contouring the Change of Chinese Womens Identity, Annual Conference of American Association for Chinese Studies, Online Zoom Conference, October 2020. Culture and Welfare of People in Taiwan and China: Shaping Ideologies and Belief through Politics, Annual Conference of American Association for Chinese Studies, University of Washington at Seattle, October 2019. A-Gongs Homeland: Place Names on Tombstones & the Construction of Identity in Taiwan. Annual Conference of North American Taiwan Studies Association, University of Texas at Austin, June 2009. Gendered Representations: Vietnam, Indonesia, and Japan. Annual Meeting of the Western and Southwestern Conference of the Association for Asian Studies, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, September 2007. Issues of Taiwanese Historiography, Tenth Annual Conference of North American Taiwan Studies Association, University of Hawaii at Manoa, June 2004. The Changes and Continuities of Gender Discourses and Womens Movements in Twentieth-Century Taiwan, panelist of roundtable on The Turn of Feminist Theories and Movements in the Global Age: Asserting the Politics of Difference, Ninth Annual Conference of the North American Taiwan Studies Association, Rutgers University, June 2003 (Invited). Commodification and Reproduction of Culture, Ninth Annual Conference of North American Taiwan Studies Association, Rutgers University, June 2003 (Invited). Transgressing Gender Boundaries: Women in Politics and on the Battlefield, Fifth Annual Midwest Conference on Asian History and Culture, The Ohio State University, May 2000. The Challenges of Teaching Survey Courses on Asian Subjects, Plenary Session of the Midwestern Conference on Asian History and Culture, The Ohio State University, May 1999. Recognitions of Teaching Excellence Nominated for Academy for Effective Teaching (AET) Award for four consecutive years: 2005-2006; 2006-2007; 2007-2008; and 2008-2009, ɫƵ. Course Taught in Political Science at ɫƵ, 2020-to the Present POLS 220 Introduction to International Relations POLS 312 Asian Politics POLS 313 Global Gender Politics POLS 340 Global Challenges POLS 360 Human Rights POLS 490 Internship in Govt/Politics POLS 600 Senior Thesis FYPS 102A Myth-Busting the Model Minority: Asian American Experiences LASI 300 Global Issues Course Taught in Womens Studies at ɫƵ, 2003-2020 WOM S 287 Women in Society: Social Issues WOM S 370 Women in World Religions WOM S 391 Womens Global Issues WOM S 399 Asian American Women and Men WOM S 532 Women in Ethnic America WOM S 579 Asian Women in Modern History WOM S 580 Women in China/Chinese Diaspora WOM S 587 Theories of Feminism Chair of Masters Thesis Committee, ɫƵ Qian-ning Fam, MA, Master of Liberal Studies, ɫƵ, 2015 Thesis: Gender and Ethnic Diversity in Multicultural Education Policies. Pooja Sharma, MA, Master of Liberal Studies, ɫƵ, 2014. Thesis: Reintegration of Victims and Survivors of Trafficking in Nepal. Amanda Lind, MA, Master of Liberal Studies, ɫƵ, 2016. Thesis: Comparative Studies of Biracial and Bisexual Identities. Member of Master s Thesis Committees, Wichita State University Taryn Gilbert, MA, Department of English, 2013. Thesis:  Twisted Sisters: The progression of white women from home-wreckers to friends in Onoto Watanna's "Miss Nume of Japan" and Sui Sin Far's "The wisdom of the new." Gladys Kwa, MA, Department of English, 2011. Thesis: The Handmaidens Plight: An Investigation of Survivor Ideologies of Marginalized Asian Women. Sandi Harvey, MA, Department of Anthropology, 2010. Thesis: Analysis of Okinawan Popular Music in Relation to Other Southeast Asian Studies of Popular Music. Christine Ann Farrell, MA, Department of History, 2007. Thesis: Vesting Women with the Vote: The Timing of the Federal Amendment for Woman Suffrage. Ee-Ling Jasmine Tan, MA, The Elliot School of Communications, 2006. Thesis: Singapore Airlines: A Study in Exemplary Crisis Communication. Maria Jessica Castillo Crespo, MA, Elliot School of Communications, 2003. Thesis: The Perfect Wife and Companion: A Study of Mail-Order-Bride Websites and the Marketing of Filipino Women. Service and Academic Activities at ɫƵ (ɫƵ) Member, Faculty Senate, June 2014 to June 2016; June 2023 to June 2025. Member, Humanities Group of ɫƵ Leadership Academy, 2017-2018. Referee, ɫƵ Undergraduate Research & Creative Activity Forum, April 2016. Member, University Academic Affairs Committee, June 2013 to June 2014. Member, University Scholarship and Student Aid Committee, June 2005 to June 2009 Faculty Adviser, Taiwanese Student Association, 2004 to 2014. Referee, Annual National History Day Contest, March 2004, February 2005, and February 2008. Guest Coach, Womens Shocker Basketball Game, December 2007. Guest Speaker, Celebrating Womens History Month, Office of Multi-Cultural Affairs, March 2007. Guest Speaker, International Students Orientation, Office of International Education, January 2005. ɫƵ Team, 14th Annual Susan G. Komen Wichita Race for the Cure of Breast Cancer, September 2003. Service and Academic Activities at the ɫƵ Fairmount College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) Member, LAS College Curriculum Committee, Fall 2018 to Spring 2020. Member, LAS Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Council, Spring 2017 to 2019. Member, LAS Tenure, Promotion, and Appeals Committee, Fall 2010 to Spring 2011. Member, LAS College Council, Fall 2009 to Fall 2010, Fall 2016 to Spring 2017. Member, Master of Arts in Liberal Studies (MALS) Committee, 2004-2020. Member, International Studies Field Major Task Force, 2008. Guest Speaker, Call to Action against Domestic Violence, FOCUS (Feminists on Campus), Department of Sociology, November 2010. Guest Speaker, Asian American Experience, POLS 390J Minority Politics, April 2007. Guest Speaker, Diversity Awareness, Ethnic Studies 360, April 2004. Guest Speaker, Asian Girls in Transnational Families, Womens Studies 387, April 2005; and Asian Women in American Cultural Images, Womens Studies 387, April 2004. Academic Activities and Community Services in Wichita and Kansas Invited Speaker, Why Taiwan Matters: the 2024 Presidential Election and Its Relations with China and the United States, Global Learning Center, Wichita, Kansas, April 2024. Invited Speaker, Asian American Womens Experiences Past and Present, Lectures Series for Asian American Pacific Islanders Heritage Month, Watkins Museum of History, Lawrence, Kansas, May 2021. Vice President, Kansas Conference of American Association for University Professors, 2018-2020. Member, Kansas Census Complete Count Committee, 2019-2020, appointed by Kansas Governor. Member, Board of Directors, Global Learning Center of Wichita, 2010-2015. Member, Planning Committee, Thirtieth Annual Asian Festival, Wichita, Fall 2010. Coordinator and Host, teleconferencing with two U.S. Congress members on The State of Asian America, sponsored by the Asian-Pacific Americans for Progress, Wichita, May 2010. Coordinator and Panel Presenter, China and Taiwan Compared, September 2013, Global Learning Center of Wichita. Invited Speaker, Feminist Response to Religion, Hebrew Congregation of Wichita, November 2009. Guest Speaker, Gender, Wage Labor, and Outsourcing in the Asia-Pacific Region, Global Learning Center of Wichita, February 2006. Coordinator and Presenter, Womens Political Leadership and National Power, International Womens Day Panel, March 2006. Guest Speaker, Connecting with Global Women, International Womens Day Panel, March 2005. Guest Speaker, Vice President Hsiu-lien Annette Lus Advocacy of Non-Violence and Soft Power in Taiwan, International Womens Day Panel, March 2003. Service to Professional Associations and Conferences Conference Program Coordinating Committee Member, American Association for Chinese Studies, 2019-2021. Associate Editor and Referee of Journal Articles, International Journal of Taiwan Studies, 2017 & ongoing. Referee, conference abstracts for European Association of Taiwan Studies, 2018. Referee, conference abstracts for North American Taiwan Studies Association, 2016. Referee, East Asian Journal of Popular Culture, 2016. Referee, Asian Studies Review, 2013. Referee, Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 2010. Referee, conference papers at the Fifth International Conference on Intercultural Communication Competence, Wichita, Kansas, January 2008. Auditing Officer, North American Taiwan Studies Association, June 2003 to June 2004. Coordinating Committee Member, Fourth Annual Midwest Conference on Asian History and Culture, Columbus, Ohio, May 1999. Membership in Professional Associations American Association for Chinese Studies International Political Science Association National Womens Studies Association +,EZ_`   8 = @ A C a c n r s t ûӰxpeexxxxxxxeeehr5CJ\aJhlJCJaJhrCJaJhztBhlJ5CJaJhztBhlJCJaJh9whlJCJaJh9whlJ5>*CJaJhlJ5>*CJaJhDCJaJhmCJaJhbCJaJhztBhCJaJhztBh_hCJaJhztBh_hCJOJQJaJh_hOJQJ',E`= A s : ; gd4gdgdlJ$a$gdc $a$    - . 1 2 9 : ; P õvme]emh<*CJaJh4CJaJh45CJaJh9wh4CJaJh<*h<*CJ\aJh<*CJ\aJh<*5CJaJh<*5>*CJaJh45>*CJaJh9wh45>*CJaJh5;5>*CJaJhlJ>*CJaJhztBhCJaJhrhrCJaJhrCJaJhr5CJ\aJ     * + @ A B C a  ׻|ttkkttcctttthtaCJaJhlJ6CJaJhlJCJaJhlJ5CJaJ%h xh x5>*CJ\aJnHtHh x5>*CJ\aJnHtH%h9wh9w5>*CJ\aJnHtHhTCJaJhztBh45CJaJh:CJaJhztBh4CJaJh4CJaJh h CJ\aJh 5CJaJ& * + A B   $ % tu/0gdpgdlJ dd[$\$gd x dd[$\$gdUgd4      N U W a |   $ % ` e k m n AG`tuƽڱکhpCJaJhztBhlJ5CJaJhlJ6CJaJhztBhlJ6CJaJhTCJaJhztBhlJCJaJhDhlJCJaJhlJCJaJh^2CJaJAHP[|%&/0[rƺ֯|h_h5>*䴳ٵ5>*䴳ٵ5>*䴳ٵʰ>*䴳ٵ/+䴳ٵl6C䴳l䴳ٵl䴳䴳ٵ6Cٵ䴳.)*:;<]^wstgd`1$gda-789:=@CV^km#$%&ԿzzzzzzzzzhqCJ\aJhnHtHhaCJ\aJhnHtH"h0haCJ\aJhnHtH(h0ha6CJ\]aJhnHtH(hWha6CJ\]aJhnHtHh|CJ\aJhnHtH"hWhaCJ\aJhnHtHha5>*CJaJ(&-46ILSTbcdfijk}~,-@Bbfͻ{{oo{{{dhztBhcHCJaJhztBh4)6CJaJhztBh4)CJaJhztBh4)5>*CJaJ"hahaCJ\aJhnHtH(h0ha6CJ\]aJhnHtH"h0haCJ\aJhnHtH"hqhqCJ\aJhnHtHhqCJ\aJhnHtH"hq6CJ\]aJhnHtH'fhjnopqy'()*,@BIfĹtlh%CJaJhph_hCJaJhztBhr5CJaJhztBh`R6CJaJhztBhr56CJaJhztBh_h6CJaJhztBh_hCJaJhztBh`RCJaJh`CJaJhpCJaJhztBh4)CJaJhztBhCJaJhztBhR7CJaJhztBhcHCJaJ$ ,9:;<@BDO[\]^f,;<@Bafvw,=·hztBhERCJaJh`CJaJhztBh`CJaJhztBh`5CJaJhztBh`5>*CJaJh5;5>*CJaJhztBh5>*CJaJhztBhPCJaJhztBh_{6CJaJhztBh_{CJaJhztBh_{5>*CJaJ2=AFdfgrstz %),6=ANObcdhɻujjjjjhztBheCJaJhztBh.5>*䴳ٵe5>*䴳ٵA5>*䴳ٵ5>*䴳ٵu5>*䴳ٵ5>*䴳ٵ=5>*䴳#5>*䴳`5>*䴳`䴳ٵ`䴳&:<!"gd|gd+fgdJ( ^`gdegd`+<@ch '+8:;<_dly '+8<LԾԫԫ|||||hztBhAaCJaJhztBhAa5>*CJaJhztBhCJaJhztBhPOCJaJhztBh=CJaJh 3ACJaJhztBh-CJaJhztBhPCJaJhztBhJ(CJaJhztBh+f5>*䴳䴳ٵ.䴳0!'+78:;<_d !"#'+8<_߾ԳԨxffffff"hWh|CJ\aJhnHtHh$!5>*CJaJh+f5>*CJaJhztBh+f5>*CJaJhztBh5CJaJhztBh+fCJaJhztBhBCJaJhztBhRCJaJhztBh\CJaJhztBhCJaJhztBhAaCJaJhztBh5CJaJhztBhj CJaJ(_pqrs}'+8;HJVX`nopqr~۽~s~s~kk~~h 3ACJaJhztBh CCJaJhztBhuCJaJhztBhe5>*CJaJh$!h$!CJaJhERCJaJhztBh$!CJaJh+>CJaJh$!CJaJh|5>*CJaJhztBh|CJaJh|CJaJh0h|CJaJ"hWh|CJ\aJhnHtH*pqg h ! !!""3#4#$$$$o%p% ^`gdp ^`gdlJ ^`gdu'+578=W`q  ! # & * 6 > ļxxii]]]]]hPWB*CJaJphhztBhl!B*CJaJphhztBh.>B*CJaJphhztBhziyB*CJaJphhztBhPOB*CJaJphhV B*CJaJphh+h+CJaJhV CJaJhtaCJaJh 3ACJaJhztBheCJaJh5;CJaJhztBhu5>*CJaJhztBhuCJaJ> ? 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