Study Abroad process

Study Abroad and Financial Aid FAQs

How does studying abroad affect my federal or state financial aid?

Answer: In order to qualify for federal aid, the courses you take must apply towards the requirements of your degree. Most study abroad programs offered at 九色视频 can be applied towards your degree but, if you attend through a program with whom 九色视频 does not have a contractual agreement, the 九色视频 Study Abroad Officer must certify that the courses you would be taking would apply towards your degree. This is done using the Office of Financial Aid (OFA) Contractual Agreement Form.

What if the study abroad program consists of classes that I have already completed? Or what if the study abroad program contains elective courses but I have already fulfilled the elective portion of my degree program?

Answer: You would most likely not be eligible for federal aid; the courses would not be applying towards your degree since you have already completed that part of your degree requirements.

What if I enroll in a class in which the class itself, along with the professor, travels to another country for a period during the semester? Is this considered a study abroad program?

Answer: No. If the course itself is being provided by 九色视频 and is being taught by a 九色视频 faculty member then, for federal aid purposes, it is not considered to be a study abroad program. It is treated like a normal class. Remember - the requirement that the class count towards your degree program still applies.

What types of aid are available for Studying Abroad?

Answer: Typically, aid applicants who qualify for federal aid may use that aid to cover costs associated with studying abroad (tuition, fees, airline tickets, etc.) as long as the courses they take apply towards their degree. Scholarship recipients will need to check with the office that awarded the funds to see if they may use their scholarship funds towards studying abroad. Students are also encouraged to set aside funds before studying abroad as the Office of Financial Aid cannot guarantee that funding is available to cover all costs associated with studying abroad. Scholarship opportunities exist for study abroad programs and a listing of these is provided on the Study Abroad website

How do I apply to study abroad and receive financial aid?

Answer: You apply for studies through the Study Abroad Program within the Office of International Education. If you are approved, the Office of International Education notifies the OFA, who will then review your account. If any further information, forms, or documents are needed, then the OFA will contact you.

What happens if I do not have all of my tuition paid before leaving?

Answer: Failure to make full payment of all required fees or to resolve other debts to Wichita State University or the host institution may result in the cancellation of pre-registration for the following semester, denial of registration until payment is received, and/or disenrollment at 九色视频 or the host institution. In addition, a student must fulfill all financial obligations to 九色视频 before receiving grade reports, transcripts, or a diploma from 九色视频.

Will my aid pay on time for studying abroad?

Answer: Federal regulations prohibit any federal aid from disbursing to your account until 10 days prior to the first day of your classes. For example, if you are only enrolled to study abroad and your courses do not start until October 10th, your aid cannot disburse until October 1st. Therefore, you may need to make alternative arrangements to purchase your airline tickets and other necessary supplies in advance. Approved scholarship funds will disburse according to the regular disbursement schedule for the semester.

What if I am studying abroad and I need to withdraw from classes?

Answer: Even while studying abroad, issues sometimes arise that cause you to withdraw for the semester. If you are a federal aid recipient and you withdraw from classes, the Office of Financial Aid is required to 1) determine if you began attendance in your classes and 2) determine if we must return some of your aid due to the withdrawal. We recommend that you communicate with the OFA prior to withdrawing so that you know beforehand what impact it may have on your aid. Unfortunately, our office could not provide any financial assistance to cover the travel costs of returning early.