Communication from faculty and our graduate teaching assistant will happen primarily via email. Please check email EVERY day. If there is an issue about space, instruments, schedule, etc., email communication is our way to ensure everyone is in the loop and that there is a record of the correspondence for future reference. Please respond to requests from Faculty/GTA and colleagues in a timely manner. (This is part of developing professionalism!)

Also, please be respectful when hitting "reply all." Not every correspondence should go to everyone in the department.

Students receive 16 lessons per semester with Professor Scholl and/or Professor Hatfield. Lesson days and times will be scheduled at the beginning of each semester. Those studying drum set as an additional lesson will need to coordinate their schedule so as not to overlap. Students taking two credit hour lessons will receive up to an hour each week. Those taking four credit hour lessons will receive an hour lesson plus extra time as needed for auditions, recitals, sight-reading time, etc. In addition each week the entire studio gets together for a one hour Studio Class. See below for more details. Students are responsible for practicing and preparing for the weekly lessons. Poor preparation is not acceptable and the student may be dismissed from the lesson if not prepared. Each semester students may use one 鈥済et out of lesson free鈥 without consequence to their grade (most save it for after an Impulse Percussion Group concert).

If you are sick and will miss your lesson, do your best to notify Professor Scholl/Hatfield ASAP so as to open your lesson time for another student. All lessons missed by sickness will be made up unless the student and Professor cannot come up with a mutually agreed make up day/time. Since Professor Scholl gives much more than the required time for lessons (per 九色视频 policy) he will normally not make up lessons when his schedule has him performing out of town.

Practice Facilities
We have four dedicated rooms C007, C025, C018, and C038 plus two others that we use on a regular basis, C009 and C104. All rooms are currently first come, first serve. (Please do not linger in a room when someone is practicing 鈥 especially in C007, C009 and C104.)

In addition percussionists can acquire, through the music office, a key that accesses all the 鈥淎鈥 practice rooms which enables you to practice in up to 25 other practice rooms. (The key has a nominal fee).

  • C007 - Main room with all instruments and student lockers.
  • C104 鈥 Rehearsal room for Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble, Jazz, and Orchestra. There is a full set of instruments (not a five octave marimba) and is available except when rehearsals and classes are being taught. (Please see Milissa Hawkins in the music office for availability).
  • C025 - Drum set room and Professor Hatfield鈥檚 studio but often available and good for most instruments except for large marimbas and timpani.
  • C018 鈥 Timpani practice room and storage.
  • C038 - Drum set and general practice room (Please see Anne Marie Brown in the music office for availability).
  • C009 鈥 Large open space often used for Opera and Theatre Classes but available at all other times 鈥 this room is about the best acoustically and has a wall of mirrors. Good for large instruments, small and large ensembles and is easily accessible. May also be signed out through the music office.
  • C006 鈥 Professor Scholl鈥檚 Studio 鈥 though this is a private studio, students may ask for permission to use the studio to practice.
  • B002 鈥 GTA Studio 鈥 students may ask permission from the GTA to practice in this Studio. Please be aware that often 鈥 students request to be in C007 for lessons, coachings and rehearsals

Each student will be given a locker cabinet space in C007 for their personal equipment/books etc. This is the only space you will be allowed to keep personal equipment. Please limit the amount of music books and small instruments you keep at school to those you use frequently, or might need at a moment鈥檚 notice. (Everything else should be kept in your home, apartment or dorm room.) Nothing may be left on the floors of the percussion rooms or in the hallways. Please make sure to keep lockers tidy.

We are all responsible for keeping all our rooms clean, including the large ensemble spaces. The department assistants will perform weekly cleanings/organization of practice rooms. During these cleanups any personal sticks/mallets/etc. that are left around will be placed in the lost and found top drawer in the grey file cabinet in C007. Any other items left around the studio may be thrown out. Please make an effort to clean up after yourself daily: throw away trash, put away and cover instruments after you are done (especially small instruments and hardware), put all sticks and mallets in their bags when not in use, and generally make an effort to keep things tidy. Below is a list (subject to change) of what instruments are to be in which rooms. This list will serve as a default setting for the studio. If you move an instrument into a room where it doesn't usually live please return it to its proper home when you are finished with it. Extreme untidiness will result in occasional unannounced blitzkrieg-style purges of the rooms, during which your belongings might get thrown in the trash.

Room C007:

  • Timpani: 4-Ringer, 5-Goodman
  • 6-Tree House tom toms, timbales, os, 2-Pearl philharmonic snare drums, large and small bass drums
  • Chimes, Adams xylophone, Adams glockenspiel, Yamaha vibes, 2-Musser vibes, 2-octaves of crotales, Adams and Yamaha 5-octave marimba, Yamaha 4.5 octave marimba, Kori 4.3 octave marimba, 2-Musser 4-octave marimbas
  • 3-djembes, 4-congas, 2 sets of bongos
  • 2-tam tams and stands, 5-break drums
  • Vic Firth marimba, vibes, xylophone and bells; mallets in bags
  • Accessory instruments 鈥 tambourines, shakers, wood blocks, etc.

Room C018:

  • Set of 4 Ludwig timpani

Room C104/C105 (storage room):

  • Yamaha xylophone, Adams chimes, Deagan gold bar vibraphone, Fall Creek glockenspiel, Musser glockenspiel,
  • Timpani: 5-Yamaha 6000, 2-Big Sound
  • Snare drums, white tom toms and stands, large bass drum, Yamaha oak custom drum set with hardwear
  • 1-tam tam, all cymbals, 4-cymbal stands, 2-snare drum stands

Room C025:

  • Jazz Department drum set and Professor Hatfield鈥檚 kit as well.

Room C038:

  • Premier drum set

Treatment of Instruments
As instrumentalists, the way your instruments sound determines the way you sound as a performer. If you abuse your instruments, you will sound bad. Please treat all of our instruments with the same respect you would treat your own belongings. Failure to do so may result in a drop in grade.

DO NOT practice with hard mallets on Adams xylophone or marimbas. Please always use soft practice mallets. If the faculty finds you practicing with unnecessarily hard mallets on a rosewood instrument, we will confiscate your mallets.

See below for equipment moving guidelines.

Taking Instruments Out of School Facilities
九色视频 instruments are NOT allowed outside of school property except for school events or when Professor Scholl has a special rental agreement with selected Wichita based arts organizations. For the safety of our instruments, we must restrict school instrument use exclusively to school functions; however, if you are in a bind and need an instrument for a gig that you cannot buy, borrow, or rent elsewhere, please ask Professor Scholl. We may be able to make exceptions. Removal of school equipment without permission can result in a drop in grade or more serious consequences.

Personal Instruments
Students may bring personal instruments to school. Personal snare drums and smaller instruments (tambourines, triangles, etc.) are considered private instruments; please ask your colleague before borrowing. Larger instruments, however, are brought to the school only if space permits and with the understanding that they will temporarily become part of the school's instrument collection and can be used by everyone. The use of personal drum sets, keyboard instruments and any other large instrument cannot be restricted. We do not have space to accommodate large non-community instruments. Always BE RESPECTFUL of your colleagues' personal equipment.

If something of yours is missing and you believe it to be stolen, please report the theft to the 九色视频 police (extension 3450) immediately. Always report thefts in order to keep you and your belongings safe as well as those of the school. You are encouraged to keep many of your personal belongings in your dorm, apartment or home to ensure their safety and to keep excessive clutter to a minimum.

Instruments for Rehearsals and Concerts
Everyone is responsible for his or her own instruments for rehearsals. Before each rehearsal week students should make an individual comprehensive instrument/stick list so that you will always have what you need before a rehearsal or performance begins. You are expected to arrive at least 15-30 minutes early to every rehearsal to set up your instruments, sticks, mallets, trap tables, music, etc. Please be respectful of sectionals or other rehearsals in which you are not involved; try to set up beforehand or very quietly so as not to disturb the rehearsal and so you are ready to start when your rehearsal begins. After rehearsals, you are expected to put all instruments back where they belong to keep the rehearsal space clean and clear of percussion clutter. Following rehearsals, return instruments to C105 storage and C007, be sure room C105 door is locked and the key is returned to C007, and that the timpani, and mallet instruments are covered.

After a concert, EVERYONE must stay to pack up the equipment. Once the equipment is delivered back to C104/105, or C007 EVERYONE involved in the concert is responsible for putting away each piece of equipment neatly. Instruments must be reassembled and put away no later than ONE day after the concert. If you play a concert, you are expected to come to C007/C104 early the next day to clean up. Failure to do so will result in a drop in grade.

Instrument Moving Guidelines
Please follow these guidelines when packing equipment for moves:

General: BE MINDFUL when moving instruments with wheels through doorways -- always lift them over the thresholds. All mallet instruments and timpani are to be covered when moving.

Hardware: All hardware must be broken down. Make sure any wing nuts are securely fastened so we don't lose cymbal felts, sleeves or the nuts themselves.

Timpani: All timpani must be covered.

Drums: All smaller drums (toms, snares, congas, timbales etc.) should be wrapped in blankets whenever possible. Larger drums (bass drum) should be covered if a blanket is available after the smaller drums have been taken care of.

Keyboards: If you are asked to help breakdown or move a marimba, your answer must be yes. The vibraphones need not be broken down, but the bars should be covered with either an instrument cover or blanket and the pedal should be raised and locked.

Cymbals: Cymbals should be placed into cymbal bags when moved.

Accessories: Accessory instruments can be carried with the player.

Personal equipment: If you are bringing a personal snare drum or other instrument, you must provide your own case or bag.

Instrument Rentals
If an instrument is needed that the school does not own, it is responsibility of the student playing that part to identify the need well before the first rehearsal and alert Professor Scholl and the GTA via email.

Percussion Ensemble: Impulse Percussion Group

Scheduled weekly rehearsals are:

鈥 Monday, 7-10 pm
鈥 Note that because of conflicts with Orchestra, Symphonic Band, WE, Jazz, and Opera some rehearsals will be on alternate days. Those dates will be communicated at the beginning of each semester or ASAP when a conflict is noticed.
鈥 The week prior to a performance please clear your schedule for extra rehearsals with guest artists, technical and dress rehearsals.


Percussion Techniques and Section Playing
Over the course of four semesters students learn techniques for small instruments: triangle, tambourine, cymbals, bass drum (OK that鈥檚 not a small instrument), etc. plus learing to play in a section.

鈥 Tuesday: 11:30 am - 12 noon for Freshman and Transfers
鈥 Tuesday: 12 noon 鈥 12:30 pm for Sophomores and Transfers

Percussion Studio Class
鈥 Friday:  11:30 am-12:20 pm

Each week Professor Scholl holds a Studio Class where students get the opportunity to perform for and critique each other. Each student is required to perform at least once per semester. In addition, the class is used to feature clinics by the faculty, GTA and our guest artists. (guest artists often give clinics/master classes on days different than our scheduled class.)

Attendance at Studio Class is mandatory for all percussion majors. You are allowed two excused absences per semester. Such absences must be cleared with Professor Scholl by email at least one week prior to the class. Each absence beyond the two will result in a drop in grade. Unexcused absences or lateness will result in a drop in grade. Very occasionally we will have classes at times other than Thursday; excused absences from these will not count toward your three; unexcused absences will be treated the same as always.

Juries are held at the end of each semester. Jury repertoire will be decided upon with your individual teacher. It is expected that you will play something representative of your work. For percussion majors it is expected that second to fourth year students will perform mallets, snare or multiple, and timpani on all juries unless an agreement has been made between the student and Professor Scholl. Those performing recitals will not perform a jury in the same semester.

Seniors and second year Master's students are required to perform a solo recital of about an hour in length. Juniors are required to do either a solo recital or a joint recital with another person (percussionist or any other instrumentalist). Non-required recitals may be performed with your teachers' approval; for underclassmen, non-required recitals must be joint recitals. Please hold your recital in a month other than April if you can. Attendance at percussion and marimba recitals is REQUIRED for all percussion majors. Most percussion recitals are performed in Miller Concert Hall. You are required to schedule your recital with your teacher and then with Performance Facilities. At that time you will also schedule your dress rehearsal in the Hall. For all degree recitals the student is required to have their teacher and two other faculty members attend. The three member faculty jury submit a grade to the 九色视频 School of Music Director.

All music for Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble, Orchestra, and Opera, will be assigned by the principal player and the percussion GTA, in consultation with Professor Scholl. Members of Jazz Arts will consult with Professor Hatfield for assignments. It is the job of both the Principal, the GTA, and the percussion section to communicate when missing a rehearsal, and when instruments need to be rented/purchased

Professor Scholl makes all assignments for the Impulse Percussion Group in consultation with the GTA.

To ensure a healthy studio, we need to be careful of how we interact within our small shared spaces. If you are sick, please be thoughtful of others by staying away from them. Exhaling your sickness in a practice room for an hour or two is a pretty sure-fire way to infect the next person who will practice in that room. Sickness can easily travel among members of the department, so please be careful!