The following is a list of Lecture Series lectures scheduled for the Spring 2005 semester.
January 21, 2005
Dr. Bartosz Protas
McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
"Vortex Methods and Vortex Models for Flow Control Problems"
January 28, 2005
Dr. Sean Paul
Columbia University, New York
"Resultants, Chow Forms and the Stability of Projective Varieties"
February 4, 2005
Dr. Kirk Lancaster
"On the Behavior of Capillary Surfaces at Corners: (ii) Radial Limits of Capillary
(ii) Comments on the Concus-Finn Conjectures, (iii) 'Interior Fans' of Radial Limits"
February 11, 2005
Dr. Eugenie Hunsicker
Lawrence University, Wisconsin
"Ideal boundary conditions, intersection cohomology, and the Leray spectral sequence
of a fibre bundle"
February 18, 2005
Dr. Gleb Dyatlov
University of Washington, Seattle
"Weighted Estimates with Boundary Terms and Inverse Problems"
February 25, 2005
Dr. Katrin Gelfert
Max-Planck Institute, Dresden, Germany
"Multifractal Analysis for Lyapunov Exponents"
March 11, 2005
Dr. Hari Mukerjee
"Weak Convergence of Nonmeasurable Functions"
March 18, 2005
Prof. Chi-Wang Shu
Brown University
"High Order Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Problems"
April 8, 2005
Dr. Alan Elcrat
"Inviscid Vortex Flows Past a Cylinder and Sphere"
April 15, 2005
Dr. Patrick Eberlein
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Riemannian 2-step nilmanifolds with prescribed Ricci tensor"
April 22, 2005
Prof. Patrick McDonald
Division of Natural Science, New College Florida
"Moment Problems and Spectral Geometry"
April 26, 2005
Prof. Kung-Sik Chan
University of Iowa
"On the unique representation of non-Gaussian multivariate linear processes."