Schedule - Saturday, April 16, 2022

All events will be held in John Bardo Center, room 264 (EE 264) except for the 3D printing lab, which will be held in room 328 (EE 328).

9:20 - 9:50

Continental Breakfast and Registration

9:50 - 10:00

Opening remarks by 九色视频 Provost, Dr. Shirley Lefever, followed by a welcome from the organizers

10:00 - 10:45

Workshop: Modular Origami

Abstract: Though origami is most closely tied to Japan, it has roots in China and Europe and was most likely invented shortly after the invention of paper itself in 105 AD. The mathematics of origami dates back to 1893, when T. Sundara Rao published a book that used paper folding to demonstrate some proofs of geometrical constructions. In this book, it was implied that a cubic equation could not be solved by origami. In 1936, Margherita P. Beloch showed that use of the "", later used in the sixth of the , in fact allowed the general cubic equation to be solved using origami.

In this workshop we'll explore some of the mathematics of origami and build two modular origami units.



10:45 - 11:30

Plenary Lecture: Geometry Ex-Planed


Abstract: You and your friend walk side-by-side at the same pace. Obviously, if you each walk straight ahead, the comfortable distance between you will be the same as you walk along. But wait, suppose you start at the equator and walk north all the way to the North Pole. Won鈥檛 you collide at the end (not from exhaustion)? In this talk we will explore the similarities and differences between geometry in a plane, on a sphere, and hyperbolic space.

In his Elements, Euclid systematized the Greeks' knowledge of geometry (around 300 BCE).   Beginning with a set of fundamental definitions and just five axioms, Euclid deduced all other known geometric results. For the next 2000 years, mathematicians attempted to prove that Euclid's fifth axiom, the Parallel Postulate, was really a short cut. That is, it could be deduced from the first four axioms. It was the only one that did not seem self-evident.

Euclid's Parallel Postulate: Given a line l and a point p not on the line l, there is a unique line l'  through p, parallel to l.

Eventually Euclid was vindicated; changing his Parallel Postulate creates different geometries.  We will explore the geometries of the plane, the sphere and hyperbolic space.

11:30 - 11:45

Break and Snacks

11:45 - 12:30

Workshop: The mathematics behind 3-D printing

Abstract: 3D printing is a relatively new, but very useful technology with a wide range of possible applications. 3D printing creates objects by building them up one layer at a time.

In this workshop we will learn about how to design, then code and print an object using a 3-D printer. premade models will be printed in advance for students to take home. 

12:30 - 1:30

Lunch with Associate Vice President of Strategic Enrollment Management, Dr. Carolyn Shaw

1:30 - 2:15

Workshop: The mathematics behind the card game "SET"

Abstract: The card game SET was invented by population geneticist Marsha Jean Falco in 1974 when she was studying epilepsy in German Shepherds.  In SET, each card is determined by four characteristics: number, color, shape and shading. There are three possibilities for each characteristic. The dealer deals 12 cards each time. The goal is to find a 鈥淪ET鈥, which consists of three cards satisfying certain rules.

A natural question to ask is how many cards must be dealt to guarantee the presence of a SET? By reframing the question, we can use combinatorics and concepts of affine and modulo spaces to solve it. In this workshop, not only we are going to play this addictive, fast-paced card game, but also learn about some of the rich mathematical structure behind it.

2:15 - 2:30

Break and Snacks

2:30 - 3:15

Panel Discussion: TBD 

3:15 - 3:30

Closing and Evaluations