Faculty Senate Minutes

October 26, 2015

Clinton Hall 126 鈥 3:30PM-5:00PM

Senators Present: Ahmed, Asaduzzaman, Barut, Brooks, Bryant, Castro, Celestin, Chand, Chopra, Close, Cramer, Decker, Dehner, Ewing, Huckstadt, Hull, Hunsicker, Jin, Moore-Jansen, Mutchiachareon, Myose, Palmer, Rillema, Rokosz, Ross, Shaw, Solomey, Walker, Yao, Yeager, Yildirim
Senators Absent:: Adler, Babnich, Birzer, Chang,l Deiabelk, Lu, Shukaev
Senators Excused: Bergman, Hughes, Johnson, Mosack, Woods

Summary of Action:
1. President Moore-Jansen appointed Mary Walker, University Libraries, to Executive Committee (replaced Klunder)

2. Accepted appointment of University Libraries representative Meghann Kuhlmann to the Faculty Support Committee
3. Accepted appointment of University Libraries representative Shonn Haren to the General Education Committee
4. Accepted appointment of University Libraries representative Senator Mary Walker to the Rules Committee
5. Accepted appointment of University Libraries representative Aaron Bowen to the Undergraduate Research Committee
6. Elected Chris Brooks as the of LAS Humanities representative to the Planning and Budget Committee

I. Call to order - Meeting called to order at 3:30PM by President Moore-Jansen.

II. Informal Statement and Proposals 鈥 None

III. Approval of the Minutes
a. Minutes of the meeting on September 28,2015 were accepted as presented

IV. Updates
a. Executive Committee Appointment 鈥 President Moore-Jansen announced his appointee of Senator Mary Walker tol replace Senator Will Klunder on Executive Committee through May 2016

V. President's Report:
President Moore - Jansen reported on the October KBOR meeting:
a. Recruitment and instate tuition program proposal for Tulsa and Oklahoma City approved was approved by the KBOR.
b. Weapons and Classroom Safety

i.Faculty Survey 鈥揅OFSP (Faculty Senate Presidents) are working on a shared survey. President Moore-Jansen will send the draft of the survey to the Academic Affairs and Faculty Affairs Committees for their input. President Moore-Jansen raised the question - what are the faculty and staff issues? He encouraged all to complete the final survey when it is sent out. We need to think short term and long term about what is viable for campuses across the state of Kansas. The Docking Institute will compile the survey results. Each campus will frame a policy that works for them with a focus on safety for faculty, students, and staff.

ii. President Moore-Jansen will provide a link to a Chronicle of Higher Education article regarding the implementation of concealed carry at UT Austin and encouraged faculty to review the article. Future discussions on this topic should consider the safety of the faculty and the student body, as well as the kind of responsibility we have as an institution and a faculty.
iii. President Moore- Jansen cited a recent Kansas Poll published in the Wichita Eagle which indicated the 58% of the respondents were opposed to guns on campus, 26% said the university should be able to restrict concealed and open carry, and 16% said there should be no restrictions.
c. President's Committee on WATC 鈥 Senator Barut , . President Bardo established a committee consisting of 16 faculty members who were tasked to provide a recommendation from the faculty perspective regarding the feasibility of a merger between 九色视频 and Wichita Area Technical College (WATC). The committee is in the process of gathering information from eight constituent groups and once the committee has a recommendation it will be provided to all faculty for feedback.

ii. President Moore-Jansen stated that the Academic Affairs Committee and Faculty Affairs Committee are also working on the issue and will review the recommendation.

VI. Committee Reports
a. Rules committee - Senator Bayram Yildirim presented three agenda items
i. University Libraries representatives were needed to fill positions left vacant by Senator Ginger Williams - Faculty Support Committee, Senator Cathy Moore-Jansen - General Education Committee and the Rules Committee, and Senator Shonn Haren - Undergraduate Research Committee. The following were accepted:
1. Meghann Kuhlmann 鈥 Faculty Support Committee
2. honn Haren 鈥 General Education Committee
3. Senator Mary Walker 鈥 Rules Committee
4. Aaron Bowen 鈥 Undergraduate Research
ii. LAS Humanities representative was needed to fill a position on the Planning and Budget Committee left vacant by Senator Will Klunder. The Senate elected Chris Brooks.
iii. Senator Yildrim stated that a Senator-At-Large position needs to be filled

VII. Old Business 鈥 None

VIII. New Business

a. President Moore-Jansen received a memo from Dr. Vizzini regarding admissions and exceptions. Currently students who do not fully meet admission criteria can apply for admission through the University Admissions and Exceptions Committee. Approximately 1% of students who do not fully meet admission criteria are admitted to 九色视频 (offered probational status) and 九色视频 has the option to admit 10% of students who do not meet the standard expectations. At some institutions the admission process for these students is handled by the university admissions office. President Moore-Jansen has asked representatives from Academic Affairs, Faculty Affairs, Student Success, and the Admissions and Exceptions Committee to work on the issue(s). Rachel Crane, Chair of the University Admissions and Exceptions Committee has been tasked with leading the group and reporting back to the senate.

IX. As may arise 鈥 none

X. Adjournment 鈥 at 4:15PM