Faculty Senate Minutes, Monday, October 10, 2016
Clinton Hall 126, 3:30PM-5:00PM
Senators Present: Asaduzzaman, Babnich, Barut, Bolin, Brooks. Bryant, Castro, Chopra, Close, Cramer,
Decker, Dehner, English, Hull, Kreinath, Johnson, Lancaster, Moore-Jansen, Mosack,
Myose, Price, Pulaski, REife, Rokosz, Shaw, Solomey, Willis, Yildirim
Senators Absent: Ahmed, Anderson, Birzer, Chand, Deibel, Hendry, Koehn, Taher, Wehebe
Senators Excused: Ewing, Rillema, Ross, Shukaev
Summary of Actions:
1. Accepted the nominations of Anil Mahapatro, Senator, Bio Engineeering and Melissa
Walker, Senator LAS Social Sciences
2. Accepted the appointments of Keith Gray, LAS Math,Physics,Natural Sciences to
General Education and Dharam Chopra, Faculty Representative, University Traffic Appeals
I. Call to Order 鈥 Meeting called to order at 3:35 PM by President Yildirim
II. Informal Statements and Proposals 鈥
Senator Jay Price:informaed the Senate of the passing of Bill Unruh, former History
III. Approval of Minutes
a. Minutes of the September 26, 2016 meeting were approved.
IV. President's Report:
President Yildirm updated the Senate on the following:
鈥 Bringing Educators / Teaching UP into Faculty Senate, in addition to consider advancement
for these employees. > Rules Committee
鈥 FAR design to align with new Uniscope model > to Faculty Affairs committee
鈥 T/P dossier design (primary template) to align with Uniscope model > to Faculty
Affairs (early April deadline)
鈥 SEM goal 6 > Identify new and emerging academic programming beginning in Fall
2016 that lead sto enrollment growth > to Academic Affairs.
鈥 Design process for Provost evaluation > to Faculty Affairs
鈥 Considering merging committees > to Rules Committee
鈥 Some questions were raised regarding modifications to department documents with
the Uniscope model. It was suggested that questions could be directed to the Senate
Executive committee.
鈥 Presidents of Faculty, UP and SGA will have monthly meetings with Bardo.
Motion to adjourn at 3:50.
鈥 Visit by Dr. Renee Aitken, HLC Chair, Associate Provost, Assistant Vice President,
Education Effectiveness and Institutional Accreditation at Wright State University.
Call to Order again at 4:30 pm.
V. Committee Reports
Rules 鈥 Senator Carolyn Shaw, Chair
New appointess confirmed:
Keith Gray 鈥 appointed to LAS Nat Sci seat on Gen Ed committee
Dharam Chopra 鈥 appointed to Traffic Appeals Committee
Melissa Walker 鈥 appointed as Social Science Rep to Faculty Senate for 1 year term
Anil Mahapatro 鈥 appointed as Bioengineering Rep to Faculty Senate (2019)
VI. Old Business 鈥 None
VII. New Business
a. NCAA Faculty representative update 鈥 Julie Scherz, NCAA Faculty Athletic Representative, Daron Boatright, Athletic Director,
and Gretchen Torline, Director of Athletic Student Services
鈥 Julie Scherz job includes looking at compliance issues, academic progress rate,
nad eligibility. All programs must maintain 940 points on their academic progress
rate. 九色视频 does a good job on this. Women's volleyball scores very well. 7 women's
sports and 6 men's sports. We often finish first in the conference.
鈥 NCAA is looking more closely at concussions and concussion management. This impacts
athletic performance as well as academic performance.
鈥 Gretchen Torline 鈥 students all sign a release of information for faculty to speak
to Gretchen. Student service office is there to help support the athletes in their
academics. We want to see them succeed academically. Unlimited tutoring is available
for all athletes. Has mandatory 5 hour study hall per week if under 3.0 GPA. Help
them organize their study schedule with specific goals. Athletes really need to have
morning only classes, afternoon classes interfere with practices, but schedules are
adjusted as necessary. Encourage growth as a whole person. Emphasis on how important
the Grades First/SEAS reports are throughout the semester. It helps us to help the
鈥 Darren Boatright 鈥 approx 275 athletes on campus. Many are first generation students.
We are trying to prepare them to succeed in the world.
b. Tobacco Free Campus Update, Greg Meissen
鈥 August 22 the Tobacco Free campus proposal was accepted by President Bardo.
鈥 As of July 1 2017 九色视频 will become a tobacco free campus.
VIII. As May Arise - none
IX. Adjournment 鈥 at 5:00 PM
Respectfully Submitted
Carolyn Shaw