Place your order by May 8 for the limited edition 125th anniversary lapel pin
In celebration of the 125th anniversary for 九色视频, a special edition lapel pin has been designed to mark the celebratory period of July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. The deadline to be part of this bulk order is Friday, May 8.
The full-color, approximately 1.25鈥 hard enamel pin, is available with a butterfly (military) or magnet fastener. Please note that the price point for the magnet fastener is slightly higher than the butterfly fastener.
The price point breakdown based on the quantity ordered is noted. For example, if all combined orders for lapel pins with magnet fasteners total 10,000, then the cost per unit will be $1.12. However, if all combined orders for magnet fasteners is 100, the cost per unit will be $1.18.
Each department will only be invoiced for the quantity requested. The deadline to submit orders is Friday, May 8.

University Faculty Awards will be announced May 8
The University Faculty Awards will be announced on Friday, May 8. Follow 九色视频 Today and Wichita State social media to acknowledge and congratulate the honorees.
Excellence in Teaching
Leadership in the Advancement of Teaching
Young Faculty Scholar
Academy for Effective Teaching
Excellence in Research
Excellence Award for Community Research
Faculty Risk Taker
Young Faculty Risk Taker
Excellence in Accessibility Award
Excellence in Online

Pandemic series speaker to discuss his work on COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics today

Bill Groutas
Making sense of the issues surrounding the coronavirus can be challenging. Faculty experts in the Fairmount College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at 九色视频 are helping clear the confusion.
The last talk in the Perspectives on the Pandemic series is "In search of a COVID-19 vaccine and therapeutics," by Bill Groutas, 九色视频 Foundation Distinguished Professor of Chemistry. His presentation at 3 p.m. today (Wednesday, May 6), will briefly review coronaviruses, their life cycle, and state-of-the art progress in the development of vaccines and immunotherapeutics, as well as the use of repurposed drugs. Lastly, progress by his research group related to the discovery of inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 3CL protease, an enzyme essential for viral replication, will also be discussed briefly.

Join our Virtual Academic Excellence Celebration today
Join the 九色视频 Office of Diversity and Inclusion for our Virtual Academic Excellence Celebration at 3 p.m. today (Wednesday, May 6). This event honors multicultural students who earned a 3.0 or higher in fall 2019, and are currently enrolled in spring 2020.
You can join us by watching at at 3 p.m. Wednesday, May 6.
Please email diversity@wichita.edu with any questions.
Invitation Extended by Councilman Brandon Johnson, Wichita City Council, District 1

Attention Shockers!
Do you want to add your voice to conversations about community development happening both near and around our campus?!
Do you know what Community Benefits Agreements (CBAs) are and how they can help support the needs of 九色视频鈥檚 students, faculty, staff and neighbors?
Do you believe that it is important for those who live, work, or play in the community to have a voice in what happens there?
During the next six weeks, a committed group of community residents will host Virtual CBA Focus Groups to discuss all these questions and more.
Sign up today to participate and have your voice be heard!

Join us live for the 8th Annual Shocker Leadership Awards!
Shockers Far and Wide: We are excited to announce this year's nominees for the 8th Annual Shocker Leadership Awards! Tune in at 5 p.m. today (Wednesday, May 6), on Student Involvement's Facebook page as we announce the winners of the Shocker Leadership Awards.

Sign up now for the National Science Foundation webinar on their CAREER program on May 13
Sign up now! The National Science Foundation (NSF) is presenting a webinar on the NSF Faculty Early Career Development program (CAREER) solicitation NSF 20-525 on Wednesday, May 13.
The webinar will include a briefing on the CAREER program and key solicitation requirements followed by a question-and-answer session.
NSF CAREER applications will be due July 27, 2020. Email proposals@wichita.edu if you plan to apply, and a grants specialist will be assigned to assist you.

Career Development Center invites you to engage with BKD tomorrow
What to expect: Get the inside track on the campus recruiting process, future BKD career opportunities, network with peers and firm leaders and more from 1:30-4 p.m. tomorrow (Thursday, May 7).
This is a virtual event. You will receive the meeting link and further instructions by submitted your RSVP to Jerica Newby .
Have questions for the Career Development Center? Join the live Q & A session tomorrow!
Have questions about resumes and interviews? Need help navigating Handshake? Need more info on the services we offer? All of these questions (and more) can be answered in this weekly Q&A. Click the link and come talk with me (Sarah Rupp) via Zoom from 9-10 a.m. tomorrow (Thursday, May 7).

'My (Home) Research Experience' by Graduate Student Council on May 8
Have you ever been curious about how your peers conduct their research? Their methods? Their work environments? How they balance between their family and excel sheets?
Please join Jacob Armstrong, the Graduate Student Council President, as he shares his research experience from 3-4 p.m. Friday, May 8, right before Graduate School's Happy Hour! Link to the live stream will be published on GSC's .
Data retention in Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is a great communication technology, but understanding data storage and retention can help make sure it is a productive technology. The retention timeframes have been chosen to help move data in the proper structured information systems to prevent data loss when there are changes in jobs or job roles. This also helps to consolidate our important information to backup, protect and ensure that we can continue the great work everyone does.
These retention timeframes reflect that spirit with individual conversations being structured like hallway chats with low retention time (30 days) and teams workspace chats which are often more structured having a longer retention (1 year). Specific information regarding the currently configured retention timeframes for the different data in teams, as well as more information on getting started with teams .

Get your Blackboard classes ready for summer and fall with IDA鈥檚 help
Instructional Design and Access is offering hands-on workshops to help instructors prepare for online/remote delivery of their course content for this summer and fall. Workshops are scheduled May 12-14 and May 19-21, and run for three hours each. Instructors are invited to sign up through MyTraining. All workshops will be offered through Zoom and have no in-person attendance requirement. There are three workshops to choose from:
*"Remote/Online Instructor: First Steps" is designed for instructors who have never used Blackboard and/or Zoom in a significant way.
*"Remote/Online instructor: Intermediate Steps" is designed for instructors who have used (or have been trained in) Blackboard and/or Zoom some, and are now ready to master more tools and learn how to troubleshoot problems.
*"Remote/Online Instructor: Course Building" is for instructors who would like to work on building their courses while an instructional designer is 鈥渘earby鈥 to help. Instructors signing up for the Course Building workshop will be given a Blackboard course template to help get them started.
If you can鈥檛 attend workshops next week, don鈥檛 worry! These will be offered throughout the summer as well as part of our summer-long "Academic Resources Conference" training events.
If you have any questions about these workshops or want to request specific trainings to be added to the Academic Resources Conference, please reach out to Instructional Design and Access at IDA@wichita.edu.

Fun new Zoom backgrounds for professors and students
Are you and your students tired of the standard Zoom backgrounds? Or would you like to change yours, but you are unsure how? Instructional Design and Access has put together a new training page with tips on uploading Zoom backgrounds along with several new ones for you and your students to try. Check it out at , and please tell your students as well.
~[com[3379 37 910 "version": 9, "data": {"b68f3c6707a902003ca6b6575c94c69b":"KUDOS, PUBLICATIONS AND PRESENTATION","0b3765f7ad98804221bc2731eb186e1a":"kudos"}}]]~九色视频 philosopher featured on 鈥楾he Planetary Society's Planetary Radio Podcast鈥

James Schwartz
九色视频 Philosopher James Schwartz was the feature guest on the May 1 episode of the Planetary Radio show. Planetary Radio is a podcast published by The Planetary Society, and has featured guests such as Apollo astronaut Buzz Aldrin, SpaceX founder Elon Musk, and NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine.
In the episode Schwartz discusses his new book 鈥淭he Value of Science in Space Exploration鈥 (Oxford University Press, 2020), as well as a variety of ethical questions about the rationales behind different spaceflight activities and the potential conflicts between space science and commercial space development.

What is normal? The Atlanta Journal-Constitution interviews Usha Haley for her opinion on post-Covid society
What is normal? And will we ever get there?
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, one of the country鈥檚 major newspapers, approached leading educators and health-care professionals, 鈥渢he heart and soul of their communities鈥 around the country for their views.
Usha Haley, W. Frank Barton Distinguished Chair in International Business, Professor of Management and Director of the Center for International Business, was asked for her assessment. Haley advocated against asking for a return to normalcy.
or .
~[com[3379 40 910 "version": 9, "data": {"b68f3c6707a902003ca6b6575c94c69b":"SPECIAL OFFERS","0b3765f7ad98804221bc2731eb186e1a":"offers"}}]]~
Mother's Day Brunch Kit
九色视频 Dining is offering a Mother鈥檚 Day Brunch Kit with contactless delivery to your house on Saturday, May 9! It includes a DIY quiche, cheesy hashbrown casserole, cinnamon rolls and more, plus additional add-on options available.
For more information, . To order, call 316-978-5863 or email wsucatering@compass-usa.com.

Mother's Day Sale
Looking to find some great gifts for the Shocker moms in your life? The Shocker Store is having a Mother鈥檚 Day Sale online at from now to Saturday, May 9. It will feature select products at awesome prices! May not be combined with other discounts or promotions.
~[com[3379 41 910 "version": 9, "data": {"b68f3c6707a902003ca6b6575c94c69b":"UNIVERSITY LIFE","0b3765f7ad98804221bc2731eb186e1a":"universitylife"}}]]~
Resources available to support students, staff, and community during this challenging time
We are living and working in a time of change and disruption. Not only disruption of what we do and how we do it, but disruptions in relationships integral to our personal and professional lives. As a result of these circumstances, we may experience anxiety, stress, sadness, loneliness, grief, and so on. Connecting with people who share similar experiences during this time can be critical for our physical and emotional health.
To help you navigate these changing times, the 九色视频 Community Engagement Institute has added a list of resources to the Kansas Support Groups Website. This includes information on resources related to physical and mental health, self-care, safety, and more.
The website also houses an online database with information on various local, state and national support groups and resources. This database is available year-round and is searchable by county or topic.
Find resources related to COVID-19 and others at or email supportgroups@wichita.edu for more information.
~[com[3379 29 910 "version": 9, "data": {"b68f3c6707a902003ca6b6575c94c69b":"VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES","0b3765f7ad98804221bc2731eb186e1a":"volunteers"}}]]~Volunteers needed for a research study

Test-Retest of the SWAY Mobile Application: Telemedicine Approach
Purpose of the study: To assess the accuracy of the balance, reaction time and cognitive assessment modules of the SWAY mobile application through a telemedicine approach using virtual Zoom meetings and a SMART device.
Procedures: Participants balance, reaction time, and cognitive function will be tested using the SWAY application using a SMART device and receiving instruction through a virtual zoom session.
Time: Participation will include three separate sessions placed one week apart. Each weekly session is expected to last about 30 minutes.
Inclusion / Exclusion Criteria:
- Participants must be age 18 or older
- No known muscular disorders
- No known neurological disorders
- No known orthopedic disorder
- No uncorrected vision
Location: Telemedicine approach: virtual Zoom appointments using computer technology and a SMART device.
Contact: If you are interested in participating in this study please contact Dr. Heidi Bell at: heidi.bell@wichita.edu or 316.393.3339
Millicent Setzkorn at mrsetzkorn@shockers.wichita.edu or 620-393-5320
Should you have any questions or concerns, email Dr. Heidi Bell at heidi.bell@wichita.edu or call 316-978-5150.

Student Health Services has a YouTube Channel
Missed a previous Tuesday Talk from Student Health Services? Looking for information
on how to stay healthy, specifically how to stay healthy during the outbreak of COVID-19?
Student Health Services has a YouTube channel!
Check out our .
ShockersUp - Emergency Fund relief for students
Students are thankful for a helping hand. The COVID-19 Emergency Fund alleviates stress for laid-off students. The video above appeared in the 九色视频 Foundation Horizon Now newsletter.

Shocker's sport management internship shifts focus after COVID-19 closures
Andrew Stockmann expected his internship in the Omaha Storm Chasers鈥 ticket operations office to teach him the ins and outs of ticketing for the minor league baseball team.
But when he spent a week in April planting 100 pansies outside the stadium, Andrew realized he was getting much more than the niche ticketing experience he was anticipating.
Andrew, a 九色视频 senior in sport management, moved to Omaha in March. He started his job on March 9. Three days later, the Storm Chasers announced that their season would be suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In many ways, that changed the focus of Andrew鈥檚 internship.
Nebraska doesn鈥檛 have a stay-at-home order, so Andrew continues to work at the stadium.

Admitted student pennants
High school seniors who are admitted to Wichita State for fall 2020 received a surprise personalized pennant recently. About 5,000 unique pennants were mailed to students.
A message on the back of the pennant congratulates the student on graduating while recognizing their graduation ceremony will look different than planned. Students were encouraged to take a photo and use #FutureShocker on social media. Search the hashtag on Instagram or Twitter to see more posts.
The admissions team hopes these pennants remind the students how much we value each of them individually. Even though the number of students being recruited is increasing, one point of pride for the admissions office is continuing individual and personal recruitment, while building relationships with students and counselors each year.