Faculty Town Hall meetings begin today (Monday, Sept. 30)
All faculty are encouraged to attend the town hall meetings this week. The meetings are designed to solicit faculty feedback on revisions to general education and faculty workload. Both issues come to the faculty based on the work of two ad hoc committees that met last year. Faculty are encouraged to attend, learn about the issues, and share their opinions on the issues. The Senate will continue to debate both issues at their October meetings.
Documents for both issues are available on the senate website.
Meetings are scheduled for:
11 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Monday, Sept. 30, in 262 RSC
9:30-10:45 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 1, in 262 RSC
12:30-1:45 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 2, in 313 RSC
2-3:15 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 3, in 262 RSC
Business Continuity tabletop exercise coming Oct. 11
The Business Continuity tabletop exercise is scheduled for Friday, Oct. 11, at the Marcus Welcome Center, Armstrong Room. The trainer will lead us in a simulated event to test the business continuity plan for each area. You must bring a printed copy of your plan, along with pencil and paper; we will not be using computers or hand-held devices to access our plans. The report that you need to print is on your Reports tab at the bottom of the page titled 鈥淔lash Report鈥. It is about 10 pages long.
Check in starts at 1 p.m., and the exercise will start promptly at 1:30 p.m. We will serve refreshments, and hope to conclude the exercise by 5 p.m. Please put this on your calendar, as this is not optional, someone from your department is required to participate in the simulation.
Registration information is available below.
To register for the exercise, log in to my九色视频. On the Faculty / Staff tab, select myTraining.
- Select the All Training Calendar from the home page OR the Events calendar from the myTraining Options tab.
- Advance to October and click Business Continuity Planning Tabletop Exercise on the Oct. 11.
- After selecting the Request button, you will receive an automatic email to add the session to your Outlook calendar.
If you need assistance, email myTraining@wichita.edu or call ext. 5800.
More information about the Business Continuing Plan is available here.
Refresher training will be held from 8 a.m.-noon Friday, Oct. 11, in 124 Jabara Hall. This is an open lab and registration is not necessary. You may come-and-go as your schedule allows. A trainer from Bold Planning will be there to assist you with any challenges you may have in getting your plan ready.
If you have questions regarding your plan or the exercise, contact Ellen Abbey at 978-5864 or ellen.abbey@wichita.edu.
Professional studio portraits available at Strategic Communications
In conjunction with 九色视频鈥檚 new website profiles, Strategic Communications is now taking appointments for portraits. To learn more, and to book your 10-minute appointment, go to .
九色视频 webpages require accessibility compliance
The content management system, OU Campus, requires pages to pass an accessibility check before they can be published. This helps the university to maintain the WCAG 2.0 AA accessibility standard.
If you have a page that won鈥檛 publish for any reason, use the web support form at /websupport to get quick assistance.
Learn more about accessibility.
2020 Open Enrollment Oct. 1-31!
This is once again an active enrollment, meaning that all covered state employees must participate, or be enrolled in a default plan.
(open in Google Chrome) this year to go over plan information and changes for the 2020 plan year. For more information visit the .
The Total Rewards Team will not be available for walk-in traffic or to make individual appointments regarding open enrollment. Please take advantage of the scheduled presentations, on-demand webinar and open lab sessions. For a full listing of Open Enrollment events visit the . Any questions should be directed to TotalRewards@wichita.edu.
Share your faculty story for a chance to win $50 to the Shocker Store
The 九色视频 Foundation is hosting a sweepstakes to obtain faculty stories, and we need your help to spread the word.
It鈥檚 easy. Encourage the people you know to like the @九色视频Foundation Facebook page and share their story in the comment section of the pinned Faculty Story post. Those who participate will automatically be entered for a chance to win a $50 Shocker Store shopping experience. The deadline to comment is Friday, Oct. 4, and the two winners will receive $50 to the Shocker Store. .
Applicants for two internal 九色视频 grant opportunities for research are due
The deadline for applying for two internal 九色视频 faculty research grants is 5 p.m. Friday, Oct. 4.
University Research / Creative Project grants provide up to $4,500 in funding to retool or reestablish productive research or creative projects.
Multidisciplinary Research Projects awards provide up to $7,500 for projects that involve two or more investigators from different disciplines that focus different perspectives and capabilities on complex problems that intersect established areas of study.
Visit the Office of Research website for more information. Email proposals@wichita.edu to request assistance.
九色视频 Office of Research alerting faculty to limited submission funding opportunity with the NSF鈥檚 Major Research Instrumentation Program
LIMITED SUBMISSION Funding Opportunity Alert:
Please see the information below about applying for the National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation Program (MRI).
Title: National Science Foundation (NSF) Major Research Instrumentation Program (MRI)
Purpose: The MRI program provides up to $4 million for either the acquisition or development of a research instrument/equipment for science and engineering research; such instruments/equipment are often too costly for support through other NSF programs.
You must email proposals@wichita.edu by noon today (Monday, Sept. 30) if you are interested in submitting a proposal in response to this solicitation.
Track 1: $100,000 -$999,999 (less than one million dollars)
Track 2: $1,000,000 - $4,000,000 (between one and four million dollars)
Eligibility: 九色视频 is allowed to submit up to two Track 1 proposals, and one Track 2 proposal.
If there are more than two 九色视频 proposers for Track 1 and more than one 九色视频 proposer for Track 2, there will be an internal competition to determine the best proposal(s) to move forward.
Deadlines: You MUST email proposals@wichita.edu by noon Monday, Sept. 30, if you are interested in submitting a proposal in response to this solicitation. Please indicate whether you are planning to submit a Track 1 or Track 2 proposal. If an internal competition is needed, NOTICES OF INTENT will be due to the 九色视频 Office of Research no later than noon Monday, Oct. 14. If selected to move forward, full applications will be due to NSF by Jan. 19, 2020.
Flu shots on campus 鈥 More appointments added!
九色视频 HR Total Rewards team is once again hosting on-site flu shots, available to State of Kansas employees and their spouses who are currently enrolled in SEHP medical insurance. Due to demand additional appointments have been added. While walk-ins will be allowed if scheduled appointments are not full, scheduling an appointment is the only way to guarantee a flu vaccine to be reserved for you.
8 a.m.-4 p.m. Friday, Oct. 4, in 264 RSC (Online scheduler close date extended to Wednesday, Oct. 2)
If you participated in a clinic last year and completed a profile, you will be prompted to reset your password.
Note: Employees located in Kansas in a city other than Wichita can select a different on-site location by using the same registration link. However, individuals are encouraged to contact the alternate site in advance to confirm access, as not all sites are open to the public.
How to Prepare a Budget for SBIR/STTR Proposals Webinar
This webinar from 10-11 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 24, will walk through the development of a project budget. Items covered will include what costs need to be included, how to write a budget justification, can the company afford to pursue this project, what indirect rate should be used and more. There is no cost, but registration is required.
This is a critical time to check-in with students
This time of year often brings increased stress and sickness. Student Health Services, Counseling and Prevention Services and Campus Recreation offer many opportunities for students to relax and create or maintain a balanced lifestyle, but students sometimes still need a little help. These resources and others work together to create a community of care and help students maximize their potential for success. If you are concerned about a member of our community, go to to submit a concern.
Postal Services Manager to retire
The 九色视频 community is invited to celebrate the retirement of Mike Sperlazza, manager of Postal Services, for 22 years of service. A reception will be held from 2-4 p.m. Friday, Oct. 4, in 142 Rhatigan Student Center.
Post Office to close early on Friday, Oct. 4
University postal services will close at 2 p.m. Friday, Oct. 4, so that postal services employees can attend the retirement reception of their manager of 22 years.
Register for the Shocktoberfest Door Decorating Competition!
Shocktoberfest is a time to celebrate Shocker Pride! Student groups from all over campus will be competing and participating in events like Wu鈥檚 Birthday Bash, Hunger Games, Dodgeball and Songfest.
Departments can join in on the fun by participating in the annual Door Decorating Competition. Winning departments will receive a catered staff party valued at up to $100.
The deadline to enter is Wednesday, Oct. 16, and all doors must be decorated by the end of business on Friday, Oct. 18.
For information about the competition and to apply, go to .
Political Science is hosting a speaker on Ranked Choice Voting and the 2020 Elections
Come learn about Ranked Choice Voting, which will be used in the 2020 Kansas Democratic Presidential Primary. The Department of Political Science and the Wichita Metro Chapter of the League of Women Voters are hosting a talk by Erica Frazier, Research Analyst with Fairvote.org. The event is free and open to the public, 7-8:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 3, at Hughes Metropolitan Complex, Room MX 132.
Direct any questions to Neal Allen, Chair of Political Science, at 978-7133 or neal.allen@wichita.edu.
Registration is now open for Creative Hustle Community Workshops
Have ideas for creative projects in the community but don鈥檛 know where to start? Want to make an impact using your artistic talents? Join Harvester Arts for the Creative Hustle Community Workshops & get your creative hustle going! This series of four workshops will give attendees a foundation in placemaking and event planning they can use to move forward with creating projects in their community.
Creative Hustle Community Workshops will focus on four central topics:
Oct. 1: The Big Picture: Best Practices in Creative Placemaking & Socially-Engaged Art, Goal Setting, and Outlining Your Vision
Oct. 15: Taking Action: Logistics, Budgets, Fundraising
Oct. 29: Telling Your Story: Marketing, Outreach, and Messaging
Nov. 12: Measuring Success: Outcomes, Evaluations, and Documentation
Workshop participants will be encouraged to attend all sessions, but not required. Harvester Arts staff will be available for individual consulting in addition to the group sessions.
Workshops are Tuesdays, 6-8:30 p.m., open to the public for a $20 fee, and limited to 25 participants. Refreshments provided. Contact Harvester Arts if the fee is a barrier for attendance.
Workshops will be hosted at:
, 215 N Washington (between 1st and 2nd Streets in Old Town).
Workshops are sponsored by the Kansas Creative Arts Industries Commission.
The next session of Managing the Employment Relationship is Wednesday, Oct. 9
The next session of Managing the Employment Relationship Training is scheduled for
2:30-4:30 p.m. Wednesday Oct. 9, in 264 Rhatigan Student Center. To register for this
training, go to myTraining through my九色视频.
This course is provided for leaders who supervise employees (UP, USS, students), and
will focus on the overall employment relationship. It will provide guidance on managing
performance, setting expectations, how to identify when an employee has not met expectations,
and how to effectively address those concerns. This could include concerns with attendance,
job performance, conflict with coworkers, etc. This training will also introduce you
to tools to use to effectively document an unmet expectation. If you have questions,
contact mytraining@wichita.edu.
九色视频 community needed to help shape the Riverfront Legacy Master Plan
The Riverfront Legacy Master Plan is a master planning process intended to create a vision and master plan for the east bank of the Arkansas River. This plan is driven by community input and engagement, all while taking into account previous plans, studies, and new development. We need you.
We want to hear from the 九色视频 community from 5:30-7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 2, in 265 RSC. Come out and share your vision for our city. We will be in five different locations. Discussing. Exploring. Learning. Engaging. The future of Wichita needs you. Lean into this process and help us design the community we all dream for. Please register at .
Pizza with Wichita Public Schools - Oct. 1
九色视频 students join Wichita Public Schools from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. tomorrow (Tuesday, Oct. 1) on the first floor, RSC, for free pizza and to learn about their many exciting career opportunities. Wichita Public Schools hires all majors for substitute teacher positions. Substitute teachers earn $105 per day.
Writing Now / Reading Now series this Thursday features 九色视频's newest creative writing faculty member Ben Nickol

Ben Nickol
九色视频's newest creative writing faculty member, Ben Nickol, will read from his recently released collection of stories, "Sun River," at the Ulrich Museum of Art this week as part of the Writing Now / Reading Now series. The event starts with a reception at 5:30 p.m., followed by the reading at 6 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 3. The event is free and open to the public.
Nickol has been described as a writer who "reveals how we love and how we lose what we love" (E.J. Levy) and whose voice greets the reader "like dark thunder" (Alyson Hagy).
His collection of stories, "Sun River," explores the unraveling of families, and the mysterious life that grows out of that unraveling. Nickol's stories and essays have appeared widely in such magazines as Alaska Quarterly Review, Boulevard, Fourth Genre, and Crab Orchard Review.
Ulrich Museum of Art seeks presenters for PechaKucha style presentations highlighting campuswide research
FUN / Future Now at the Ulrich is a series of PeckaKucha-style presentations featuring campuswide research - three Fridays, four presentations, seven minutes each.
There are spots available for the following dates:
4-5 p.m. Friday, Oct. 25, with reception. Deadline for submission Friday, Oct. 11
4-5 p.m. Friday, Nov. 22, with reception. Deadline for submission Friday, Nov. 1
We are simply asking that an email proposal be sent to jana.erwin@wichita.edu with the following info:
Name / Title / Department / Research Topic / Preferred Date
This program is an extension Solving for X 鈥 a series of exhibitions organized by the Ulrich Museum of Art in collaboration with university scholars across campus. The objective is to explore the potential for the museum, as a 九色视频 public access point, to make accessible the fascinating and essential research taking place on campus.
Empty Bowls Chili Cook-off Oct. 5 brings community together to fight hunger in Kansas
It鈥檚 that time of year again when Wichitans can fill their bowls鈥攁nd their bellies鈥攚ith delicious chili while helping a good cause: fighting hunger in Kansas.
This year鈥檚 Empty Bowls Wichita Chili Cook-off will be held from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 5, at the building previously named the Experiential Engineering Building, and now named the John Bardo Center / Go Create on the 九色视频 campus.
For just $25, guests will get to select a one-of-a-kind handmade ceramic bowl to keep, fill their bowl with chili or soup made by competing local chefs and restaurants, and eat to their heart鈥檚 content. All proceeds from the event go to the Kansas Food Bank.
The cook-off, now in its sixth year, is part of the Empty Bowls Project, an international grassroots movement to help raise awareness about hunger.
Wichita educator and potter Brenda Lichman, founder and organizer of the local event, said the cook-off is a great way to promote art, community engagement, and local businesses while helping to reduce hunger throughout our state.
鈥淚t鈥檚 been so encouraging to see the event grow with each year,鈥 Lichman said. 鈥淚t serves so many purposes: combining art and activism, bringing the community together, helping the less fortunate among us鈥︹
While guests are enjoying the chili, a jury of local chefs and community leaders will be hard at work selecting winners for Best Chili, Best Vegetarian/Vegan Chili, and Best Traditional Chili.
Lichman said that last year鈥檚 event was their most successful to date, featuring more than 1,000 bowls made by nationally known ceramicists, Kansas artists, Wichita artists, and community members, and raising a little over $26,000, the most they鈥檝e collected so far. Building on that success, she said, they have an even loftier goal this year of raising $30,000.
There is still time for interested vendors to compete in the chili cook-off. The deadline for vendors is October 1. For more information on becoming an Empty Bowls Wichita Chili Cook-off vendor, email ulrich.events@wichita.edu or call 316-978-3605.
The Empty Bowls Wichita Chili Cook-off is sponsored by Spirit, 九色视频鈥檚 Ceramics Guild, the Ulrich Museum of Art, the School of Art, Design and Creative Industries, and Ceramics Media.
Special scholarships available for study abroad summer 2020
Faculty-led programs for summer 2020 for students with financial need. All other summer programs will have March 1st deadline for the study abroad scholarship application. Questions: Email ann.burger@wichita.edu
Links to each program:
International Leadership Program in Peru
Study Abroad special scholarships
Pumpkin Run price increase today at midnight
Have you signed up for the Pumpkin Run yet? If not, sign up before midnight to get the best price! This annual fun 5K winds through the beautiful Wichita State campus on Saturday, Oct. 19. All participants receive a commemorative T-shirt. Cross the finish line and receive a medal. Sign up today at .
Helping students with disabilities to graduate!
TRIO Disability Support Services is enrolling first-generation and limited-income students with disabilities for the academic year. Students may receive free tutoring, advising, scholarship opportunities, and other free resources to help students graduate.
Yin Yoga: A Shocker Fit class for you
Join Campus Recreation on Tuesdays and Thursday for Yin Yoga. This Shocker Fit yoga class is a lower intensity to focus on breathing regulation, relaxation, and flexibility. The class uses the techniques of Pranayama (breath regulation) and Asana (long poses) and is taught by a skilled yoga teacher. We would love to see you there!
The class takes place at noon in 143 Heskett Center. To secure your spot, sign up on the Fitdegree app, or walk in (limited walk-in spots available.)
Special ticket price for Luke Bryan Farm Tour 2019
Wichita State has been offered a special rate of $25 for general admission tickets to the Luke Bryan Farm Tour 2019, on Friday, Oct. 4.This special price is available to students, faculty, staff, and campus partners with a valid 九色视频 ID. Tickets can be purchased in Student Involvement, 216 RSC. Cash only will be accepted. All sales are final, no refunds will be given. The show will happen rain or shine.
For more information contact Student Involvement at 978-3022 or getinvovled@wichita.edu. For more information about the concert visit, lukebryan.com/farm-tour.
Luke Bryan Farm Tour 2019 will be at 6 p.m. Friday, Oct. 4, at the Flying B Ranch (20000 SW Santa Fe Lake Rd., Douglass, Kansas. Parking opens at 2 p.m. Doors open at 5 p.m.
Show line-up: Cole Swindell, Peach Pickers, DJ Rock, Mitchell Tenpenny and Luke Bryan
Mentalist Eric Dittelman to present show on Oct. 4
Have you ever wanted to know what someone is thinking or what their next move is going to be? If that鈥檚 you, then come join SAC and the mentalist Eric Dittelman at 8 p.m. Friday, Oct. 4, in the CAC Theater.
Dittelman has been reading minds at theatres, colleges, and comedy clubs across the country, combining his amazing mind reading ability with stand-up and improv comedy.
He has been featured on Ellen, Live with Kelly and Ryan, and was a semi-finalist and judge favorite on America鈥檚 Got Talent,
Come get your mind blown, but be careful ... he鈥檒l know what you鈥檙e thinking!
Admission is free to 九色视频 students with Shocker ID, $3 faculty/staff; $5 families and general admission and $1 for kids 12 and under.
Doors open at 7:30 p.m. No advance ticket sales. Cash or check only accepted at the door. For more information about SAC-sponsored events, go to or contact us at sac@wichita.edu.
Garba Night 2019 on Oct. 5 in RSC Shirley Beggs Ballroom
Come, dance the Indian way from 7-11:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 5, in the RSC third floor Shirley Beggs Ballroom. Admission is free.
Flashes of vivid colors, sounds of wooden sticks hitting each other rhythmically, laughter, dancers whirling around keeping pace with the energetic music, this is what you will experience.
AHINSA brings you 鈥淕arba Night,鈥 an interactive, participatory Indian folk dance festival. The event is free, all are welcome and no experience is needed. Introductory lessons will be provided.
What is Garba? Garba or Dandiya Raas (with sticks), is a fun, high-energy folk dance for both men and women that originated in the state of Gujarat, India. This event will have a DJ playing traditional music with a Bollywood (modern) twist 鈥 strong, rhythmic beats gradually increasing in pace and intensity, challenging us to dance.
Let E-Launch help you build your idea
This fall, let E-Launch help you build your idea! Get your business or new product line started right by registering for E-Launch, a program which will ensure you avoid spectacular failures in execution by learning before you launch, not after. Student / faculty I-Corps teams attend free and receive seed money.
Learn about I-Corps at and register for E-Launch at !
Mortar Board hosts book drive
Mortar Board is collecting new and gently used books through the entire month of October! Donations can be dropped off during in the Student Involvement, Student Government Association, and Office of Diversity and Inclusion offices during office hours.
Donations can also be dropped off at our tables in the RSC on Oct. 1, 8, 22, 28, and 30.
Buy one, get one free bowling games for Rewards members
Members of the Shocker Sports Grill & Lanes' Eat.Drink.Play. Rewards Program can enjoy buy one, get one free bowling games every Friday during the month of October. The $2 shoe rental fee applies. Not a rewards member? Joining is free and easy, simply visit today! For more information, call 978-3479.