九色视频 Newsline: H1N1 virus overshadows seriousness of seasonal flu

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With the world facing its first pandemic in 41 years, it's easy to get caught up in all the hullabaloo that's circulating about the H1N1 virus. Marilyn Yourdon, director of Student Health Services at 九色视频, puts the H1N1 virus in perspective and says we shouldn't dismiss the potential severity of seasonal flu.

Voice wrap:

Announcer: Preparing for a potential pandemic from the H1N1 virus, or swine flu, has resulted in a lot of awareness, but may have overshadowed the seriousness of seasonal flu, according to Marilyn Yourdon, director of Student Health Services at 九色视频.

Yourdon: "I think we need to remember that the seasonal flu actually has caused more deaths in the last year than the swine flu, so we need to remember that and continue to have appropriate protection for yourself against the seasonal flu."

Announcer: A flu vaccine has usually been quite effective in battling seasonal flu, but Yourdon says its unknown how effective a vaccine will be for the H1N1 virus. This is Joe Kleinsasser at 九色视频. 

Sound bite #1

Yourdon says no one can say with certainty how severe the H1N1 virus will be. The sound bite is 22 seconds and the outcue is "of an impact."

Yourdon: "We really don't know how severe the virus is going to be at this point. Right now, we are seeing, clinically we are seeing mild cases of the H1N1, but we don鈥檛 know whether the wave that will really come in the fall, or if there will be a wave in the fall, whether it will be more severe and have more of an impact." 

Sound bite #2

Yourdon says those who already have had a mild case of H1N1 may be considered fortunate. The sound bite is 14 seconds and the outcue is "against the virus."

Yourdon: "Those who tested positive for the H1N1, or swine flu, that recovered from it actually could be considered lucky because they now have built up immunity against the virus."

Sound bite #3

Yourdon says it remains to be seen how effective a vaccine will be for the H1N1 virus. The sound bite is 14 seconds and the outcue is "and see what happens."

Yourdon: "The effectiveness of the vaccine really remains to be seen. We haven't really begun to use it in full mode yet, and so it will take some time to give the vaccine and see what happens."

Sound bite #4

Yourdon shares basic flu prevention tips for both the H1N1 and the seasonal flu. The sound bite is 20 seconds and the outcue is "throw it away."

Yourdon: "Some prevention tips that I think are very important that would reflect either seasonal or swine flu, and that would be good hand washing, always good hand washing is very important; keeping your hands away from your face. If you cough or you sneeze, use the upper part of your sleeve to cough or sneeze into, or a tissue, and throw it away." 

Sound bite #5

Yourdon says it would be wise to see a doctor if you have flu-like symptoms. The sound bite is 21 seconds and the outcue is "from other folks."

Yourdon: "If you develop flu-like symptoms now, such as fever of 101 or greater, or you're having a sore throat or cough along with that fever, you certainly would want to call your health care provider to let them know what's going on, and they will advise you at that point in time. You may be able to get treatment, but certainly if you have fever, you want to stay away from other folks." 

Sound bite #6

Yourdon says the H1N1 virus is highly contagious. The sound bite is 27 seconds and the outcue is "starts in the fall."

Yourdon: "There are various differences between the seasonal flu and the H1N1. The swine flu is very highly contagious, so we have to be on our guard about that. It will also pop up here and there. It doesn't have a particular course that it follows. You may see it in one place and then again in another place. And a lot of time it starts in the fall."

Sound bite #7

Yourdon talks about some differences between the H1N1 virus and seasonal flu. The sound bite is 24 seconds and the outcue is "very young."

Yourdon: "Those that are susceptible or more at risk with the swine flu are those that are pregnant, those that are younger, like 24 years of age and younger, those that have respiratory illnesses like asthma, or those that have diabetes or immune compromise condition; they would be much more susceptible with the swine flu. The seasonal flu usually affects more the elderly and the very young."