For this crew, popular program at Cosmosphere always an adventure

The following is an excerpt from the June 1 issue of . 九色视频 students Katie Gillmore and Michael Staab are featured in the story.

Minimum wage and long hours of work haven't discouraged those hoping for a shot at becoming space camp counselors at the Kansas Cosmosphere and Space Center's summer educational camps.

There never seems to be a shortage of qualified staff.

"It always amazes me the caliber of the applicants," said Tom Holcomb, education director for the Cosmosphere, on a recent morning.

Staff members include 21-year-old Katie Gillmore, a returning counselor. The 九色视频 pre-med senior and history major envisions a future attending medical school, then hopefully landing a job with NASA, doing medical testing with astronauts.

Michael Staab, 22, also a veteran camper and counselor, credits those experiences with heavily influencing his life. The 九色视频 student is currently in a cooperative education program working at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center at Edwards Air Force Base in California. Despite his busy schedule, he keeps returning to Hutchinson.

"I love this place," said Staab, who was on hand to help with counselor training. "Camp is a different beast. It never gets old."