CEI reaches across globe through Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice

What readers see when they engage with a magazine or journal is the end result of a lot of hours of hard work by multiple hands. It can be easy to overlook that work when the articles are easy to read and the images are illustrative, and most publications would definitely rather readers engage in the content of the articles than notice the work what goes into publishing them.

The Community Engagement Institute understands this work intimately as the publisher of The Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice, the premiere online academic journal for community psychology practitioners. Everything from managing submissions and the peer review process to copyediting and coding embedded content online happens at 238 N. Mead, thanks to the dedicated editorial staff who are passionate about bringing community psychology practice to as many readers as possible across the globe.

The Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice reaches across the world to disseminate the work of community practitioners. Since the publication of its first issue in 2010, the Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice has been dedicated "to working with practitioners and applied researchers to share quality work and to foster a learning community that will contribute to ongoing advances in the broad field of Community Practice, both in psychology and related disciplines."

More than half of the 1,000 subscribers are located in countries other than the United States, and many of the contributions to the journal are from international authors. The website averaged more than 36,000 sessions in 2017 and almost 30,000 unique users with 82 percent being new visitors. The reach is expanding and the message is that community-based work and research is important, valuable and valued.

"One of the best things the Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice has to offer is its commitment to diversity," says Amanda Aguila, a second-year community psychology doctoral student at 九色视频 who works on the Journal's editorial team. "The journal provides readers with text in different languages and focuses on disseminating information that appeals to their global audience. There is a uniqueness to the work the journal does. Through this platform it is able to engage many different perspectives and work from around the globe."

The desire to publish and amplify diverse voices is part of why the Journal is a great asset to CEI, which values diversity and inclusion as integral to its work in communities across Kansas and beyond. The Global Journal provides a resource to share perspectives that might not otherwise be available.

Another commitment the Journal makes is in providing tools and content that is applicable beyond the traditional, academic realm. While peer-reviewed research is an important part of the journal's content, practitioners of community work often need tools, recommendations and examples to further their own work. These kinds of content often are not considered peer review material and might slip through the publication cracks when someone across town or across the globe could use them to be successful.

Operations for the Global Journal moved from the University of North Carolina, where Vincent Francisco acted as founding editor, to the Community Engagement Institute in late 2014 with Scott Wituk as editor. The journal is housed in CEI's Center for Applied Research & Evaluation, and staffed by Nicole Freund and Sarah Jolley as managing editors, and Anna Turosak as a member of the editorial leadership team. Support from Greg Meissen and Amanda Aguila in the 九色视频 Psychology Department round out the Wichita-based editorial team.

Francisco and Tom Wolff, also a founder of the Journal, continue to provide consultation and direction as part of editorial leadership. Submissions and ideas are welcome and may be sent for initial review at http://tinyurl.com/GJCPPManuscriptSubmission.

For more information, contact Nicole Freund at nicole.freund@wichita.edu or call 978-5088.