19.04 / University Web Sites

  1. Purpose

    The purpose of this statement is to set forth University policy with regard to Web Sites and Servers affiliated with 九色视频.

  2. Preamble

    The increased usage of the Internet and Web Sites as convenient and productive means of communicating information and as vehicles to relay and receive information requires that policies be developed to govern and enhance such usage relative to Web Sites affiliated with 九色视频.

  3. Policy

    1. Definitions and Terminology for Purposes of this Policy

      1. Advertising

        Promotional information provided in exchange for consideration, including, but not limited to, messages containing qualitative or comparative language, price information or other indication of savings or value; endorsements; or inducements to purchase, sell or use certain products or services.

      2. Official University Web Sites

        Represent official views and opinions of the University, and display official web site certification. Official University Web Sites are hosted and maintained on Wichita State University servers.

      3. Sponsorship

        Includes providing sponsor name, address, telephone numbers and Internet address; use of logos and slogans that do not contain comparative language; sponsor brand name or trade name; value-neutral description of sponsor product; or display of sponsor product.

      4. Unofficial Web Sites

        Do not represent official views or opinions of the University and must carry a disclaimer. Examples of Unofficial Web Sites may include, but are not limited to: personal sites of faculty, staff, students and 九色视频 organizations.

      5. Web Site

        A collection of linked web pages containing text, graphics, sound files, etc. residing on a web server.

      6. Wichita.edu

        Registered Internet domain name owned and controlled by 九色视频.

      7. 九色视频 Servers

        Any web server owned and administered by 九色视频.

    2. Information Posted to Official University Web Sites (Wichita.edu)

      1. Official University Web Sites (sites using "Wichita.edu") represent the official views and opinions of the University. Such sites will carry the following official certification:

        Certification of Official Status

        This Web Site is created and maintained by 九色视频 and is certified as an official Web Site of 九色视频.

      2. All official University Web Sites are hosted and maintained on 九色视频 Servers.

    3. Information Posted to Unofficial Web Sites

      1. Unofficial Web Sites are the sole and exclusive responsibility of the author/creator. Such Unofficial Web Sites must display the following disclaimer:

        Disclaimer of Official Status

        This Unofficial Web Site is created and maintained by [insert name and email address]. The views and opinions expressed on this site are strictly those of the site author/creator and in no way represent the views and opinions of the State of Kansas, the Kansas Board of Regents, or 九色视频.

      2. 九色视频 is not responsible for links from Unofficial Web Sites to non-university Web Sites.

    4. Hosting of Web Sites on 九色视频 Servers for External Entities

      Web Sites for external entities such as professional associations, consortiums and/or academic or professional journals may be hosted on 九色视频 Servers only when the external entity has a relationship with Wichita State that supports the University's mission. Such a relationship may be demonstrated by one or more of the following criteria:

      1. The University is a member of the external entity.

      2. The external entity is an organization of which a member of the University faculty or staff is a member, and the appropriate department chair, director or vice president approves the hosting as being in support of the University's mission.

      3. The University has a contractual obligation for the hosting of a Web Site for the external entity.

      4. The President of the University or the President's designee determines that the external entity is one appropriate for the University to host that entity's Web Site.

    5. Approval of Unofficial Web Sites on 九色视频 Servers

      1. Web Sites related to professional activities of faculty, staff and/or affiliated corporations of the University may be hosted on 九色视频 Servers.

      2. Applications for hosting such Web Sites must be registered with and approved by the University's Chief Information Officer.

      3. An approved outside employment form covering the activity must be on file with the appropriate vice president, if applicable, as a component of the registration and approval process for Unofficial Web Sites.

    6. Advertising, Underwriting and Recognition on Official University Web Sites

      1. Official University Web Sites may not be used for commercial purposes, for personal financial gain or any other use inconsistent with this policy.

      2. Unofficial Web Sites maintained on 九色视频 Servers may not contain Advertising.

      3. A division, college, department, unit or program of the University may display information and provide links to sponsors that underwrite an activity to indicate Sponsorship.

    7. Use of Marks, Logos and the University Seal

      1. University marks, logos and the University seal may be used on Official University Web Sites. (See Use of the University's Name, Seal, Logos or Marks Policy at Section 20.11 of this manual.)

      2. University marks, logos and the University seal may not be used on Unofficial Web Sites without permission. (See Use of the University's Name, Seal, Logos or Marks Policy at Section 20.11 of this manual.)

  4. Enforcement

    1. The University maintains final and absolute discretion with regard to what appears on or in connection with Official University Web Sites or for Unofficial Web Sites that are maintained or accessed on 九色视频 Servers.

    2. The University does not actively monitor content of Web Sites, but it does reserve the right to remove a web site from 九色视频 Servers reasonably determined to be in violation of federal, state or local law, or in violation or contradiction of any rules, policies, procedures or regulations of 九色视频 or the Kansas Board of Regents.

    3. Users who violate this policy may be denied further access to University computing and information technology resources and may be subject to disciplinary action.

    4. The University may temporarily suspend, block or restrict access to an account when it reasonably appears appropriate or necessary to do so to protect the integrity, security or functionality of University computing and information technology resources or to protect the University from liability.

    5. The University may also refer suspected violations of applicable law to appropriate law enforcement or investigative agencies.

    6. Enforcement of this policy shall be the responsibility of the Chief Information Officer.

  5. Implementation

    This policy shall be included in the 九色视频 Policies and Procedures Manual and shared with appropriate constituencies of the University.

    The Chief Information Officer shall have primary responsibility for publication, dissemination and implementation of this University policy.