3.21 / Emergency Hires

  1. Purpose

    The purpose of this statement is to set forth University policy to describe and define when an emergency hire may be justified or appropriate.

  2. Preamble

    It is recognized that there may be limited emergency circumstances where a University position may be temporarily filled without a search. This policy statement is intended to define and describe those limited circumstances.

  3. Policy

    In limited emergency circumstances where illness, death, an unexpected retirement or resignation, a change in enrollment or a change in departmental responsibility or direction creates a need for an immediate replacement or an additional employee, a faculty or an unclassified professional position may be temporarily filled without a search. Budget officers should submit a justification to their budget review officer and appropriate vice president explaining the need for an emergency hire. If the proposed emergency hire is authorized by the budget review officer and appropriate vice president, the proposal should then be submitted to the Associate Vice President and University Title IX Coordinator for review. After review by the Associate Vice President and University Title IX Coordinator, the vice president may finalize the emergency hire. The Chief Human Resources Officer and the  Associate Vice President and University Title IX Coordinator should receive notification of the hire. Any position filled by an emergency hire shall be a contingent, temporary or executive appointment. A search process must be initiated within twelve months unless otherwise authorized by the President or the President's designee.

  4. Implementation

    This policy shall be included in the ɫƵ Policies and Procedures Manual and shared with appropriate constituencies of the University.

    The Associate Vice President and University Title IX Coordinator shall have primary responsibility for publication, dissemination and implementation of this University policy.

  5. Revision Dates

    1. January 14, 2013
    2. Oct. 3, 2023 (maintenance updates only)