HAI (DAVID) GUO Hugo Wall School of Public Affairs ľĹÉ«ĘÓƵ 1845 Fairmount Street, LH 205B Wichita, Kansas 67260 phone: 316-978-6629 email: david.guo@wichita.edu EDUCATION Ph.D.|Public Policy|Georgia State University and Georgia Institute of Technology Aug. 2003—Aug. 2008 M.A.|Economics|Georgia State University Aug. 2003—Aug. 2008 MPA|Public Administration|Iowa State University Aug. 2001—Aug. 2003 B.A.|English|Beijing Foreign Studies University Sept. 1995—Jul. 1999 ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE Regents Distinguished Professor of Public Finance Hugo Wall School of Public Affairs, ľĹÉ«ĘÓƵ Sept 2022 to Present Interim Director of Hugo Wall School of Public Affairs, Wichita State University Jun. 2023 to Jun. 2024 Associate Professor Department of Public Policy and Administration Florida International University Aug. 2015 to Aug. 2022 Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration Florida International University Aug 2008 to Aug. 2015 NON-ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE City of Maize|Council Member Mar.2024—Present Georgia State University|Research Assistant Aug. 2003—Aug. 2008 W. Frank Newton Inc.|Project Intern Jun. 2004—Aug. 2004 Department of Revenue, State of Iowa|Tax Research Intern May 2003—Aug. 2003 Iowa State University|Teaching Assistant Aug. 2001—Aug. 2003 Economic Development Bureau, TEDA|Project Manager Jul. 1999—Jul. 2001 PUBLICATIONS Book Wang, X., & Guo, H. (2018). Financial Management in the Public Sector: Tools, Applications, and Cases (4th ed.). New York, NY: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. Contract signed in progress. Peer Reviewed Articles 1. Zhang, P. & Guo, H. (2024) Navigating Local Fiscal Sustainability: Topics and Challenges. Local Government Studies, forthcoming 2.Xiong, M., Cheng, S., Guo, H. & Zhao, Z. (2023) The impact of local government fiscal gaps on public-private partnerships: government demand and private sector risk aversion. International Public Management Journal, 26 (4), 589-604. https://doi.org/10.1080/10967494.2022.2119316 3.Li, H., Guo, H., & Zhang, P. (2023) The Fiscal Impact of County-Urban District Conversion across Prefectural Cities in China. Urban Affairs Review, 59 (3), 892-917. online first (05/16/2022) https://doi.org/10.1177/10780874221098152 4.Han, Y. and Guo, H. (2022) Governmental Support Strategies and their Effects on Private Capital Engagement in Public-Private Partnerships. Public Management Review https://doi.org/10.1080/14719037.2022.2118821 5.Han, Yanbing, Xiong, Min, Cheng, S., Guo, H. (2022) Inter-City Competition and Local Government Debts in China: A Spatial Econometric Analysis. Asian Pacific Journal of Public Administration. 44(4). 271-290. https://doi.org/10.1080/23276665.2022.2071305 6.Guo, H. & Chen, C.(2021). Forecasting Revenue Impacts from COVID-19:The Case of Florida Municipalities. State and Local Government Review, 53(1),78-88. 7.Le, N. & Guo, H. (2021). The Effect of Results-Based Intergovernmental Transfers: An Examination of the Race to the Top Program. Public Performance Management and Review, 44(4),785-816. https://doi.org/10.1080/15309576.2021.1881802 8.Tian, C., Teng, Y., & Guo, H. (2021). Resource flow or yardstick competition: spatial dependence of educational expenditure among prefecture-level cities. International Public Management Journal, 24(5), 691-709. https://doi.org/10.1080/10967494.2020.1724218 9.Cheng, S., & Guo, H. (2021). The interplay between private and public governments: the relationship between homeowner associations and municipal finance. Local Government Studies, 47(5), 759-783. https://doi.org/10.1080/03003930.2020.1794845 10. Guo, H. & Robbins, M. (2020). State of Florida Preparation and Initial Response to COVID19 Recession. Municipal Finance Journal 41(2), pp. 25-36 11. Cheng, S., Guo, H., & Liu, C. Y. (2020). Incentivized for Leveling the Playing Field: Do State Economic Incentives Compensate for High Taxes?. Economic Development Quarterly, 34(2), 101-115. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F0891242420917219 12. Gu, X., Xie, B., Zhang, Z., and Guo, H. (2019) Rural multifunction in Shanghai suburbs: Evaluation and spatial characteristics based on villages, Habitat International 92, 102041. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F0891242420917219 13. Guo, H. (2019).Fiscal and Budget Transparency—Theory and Practice in Public Administration Research, Review of Public Administration and Policy, 8(6),pp. 14-24. (Invited and in Chinese). 14. Guo, H. and Ho, Alfred. (2019) Support for Contracting-Out and Public Private Partnership: exploring citizens’ perspectives, Public Management Review, 21, 629-649. https://doi.org/10.1080/14719037.2018.1487576 15. Guo, H. (2018) Fiscal underpinnings for sustainable development in China—rebalancing in Guangdong, Journal of Chinese Governance, DOI: 10.1080/23812346.2018.1488925 book review 16. Guo, H. and Cheng, S. (2018). Untargeted Incentives and Entrepreneurship: Analysis of Local Fiscal Policies and Small Businesses in Florida. The Review of Regional Studies,48 (1), 119-135. 17. Guo, H. and Neshkova, M (2018). Fiscal Severity and the Choice of Budget-Gap Closing Strategies. Public Money & Management, 38(4), 305-314. https://doi.org/10.1080/09540962.2018.1450913 18. Neshkova, M. and Guo, H. (2018) Policy Targets and Pubic Participation in Agency Decision-Making. International Public Management Journal, 21(2),297-325 https://doi.org/10.1080/10967494.2016.1160012 19. Guo, H. and Wang. W. (2017). A Spatial Analysis of Florida County Governments' Unreserved General Fund Balances. Public Budgeting and Finance 37(3), 71-88. https://doi.org/10.1111/pbaf.12160 20. Tantardini, M., Guo, H., & Ganapati, N. (2017). Social Capital and Public Financial Performance: Lessons from Florida. Public Performance & Management Review, 40(3), 480503. https://doi.org/10.1080/15309576.2016.1276463 21. Guo, H. and Frank, H. (2015) Portability, an Innovative Property Tax Relief Whose Time Hasn’t Come. Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management 27(2). 153178. https://doi.org/10.1108/JPBAFM-27-02-2015-B002 22. Zhao, Z., Guo, H., Coyle, D., Robinson, F., and Munnich, L. (2015) Revisiting the Fuel-Tax Based Transportation. Public Works Management & Policy 20(2). 105-126, https://doi.org/10.1177%2F1087724X14539139 23. Cong, Y.Q., Frank, H, Gianakis, G. and Guo, H. (2015) Critical Issues in the Transition from the Defined Benefit to Defined Contribution Pension Model: Perceptions from Florida Municipal Finance and Human Resource Directors. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 35 (4), 333-351. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F0734371X14533572 24. Guo, H. (2014) Government Layers and Fiscal Transfers—A Quasi-experiment of Fiscal Reform in China. Public Finance and Management. 14(4). 25. Guo, H. and Neshkova, M. (2013) Citizen Input in the Budget Process: When Does It Matter Most? American Review of Public Administration. 43(3). 331-346. 26. Neshkova, M. and Guo, H. (2012). Public Involvement and Organizational Performance: Evidence from State Agencies. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. 22(2). 267-288. First published online as doi: 10.1093/jopart/mur038 on July 20th, 2011. 27. Zhao, Z. and Guo, H. (2011) Managerial Quality and State General Obligation Bond Ratings: Evidence with the GPP Grades. American Review of Public Administration, 41 (5), 562-576. First published as doi: 10.1177/0275074010384718 on November 9, 2010. 28. Guo, H. (2011) The Effects of Tax and Expenditure Limits on State Discretionary Tax Adjustment. Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management 23(1), 6993. 29. Guo, H., Frank, H. and Fink, D. 2009. Disclosure Quality of Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A): Evidence from Large Florida Cities. Municipal Finance Journal Vol. 30 (3), 2009. 30. Eger. R. J. and Guo, H. 2008. Financing Infrastructure: Fixed Price v. Price Index Contracts. Journal of Public Procurement, Vol 8 Issue 3, 2008. 31. Willoughby, K. G. and Guo, H. 2008. The State of the Art: Revenue Forecasting in U.S. State Governments. In Jinping Sun and Thomas D. Lynch (eds.) Handbook of Government Budget Forecasting, New York, N.Y.: Taylor & Francis Publishers: 244-255. OTHER PUBLICATIONS Guo, H. (2024). Rethinking Financial Reporting—The Survey Says… Government Finance Review, 40(4), 28-35. Guo, H. and Chen, C. (2022) A new forecasting tool shows COVID-19 may have a significant negative impact on municipal finances in the coming years. USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (05 Jan 2022). Blog Entry. Florida League of Cities (2021). A Recovery Landscape – Forecasting Florida Municipal. Revenue Impacts from COVID-19. A report conducted for Florida League of Cities https://www.flcities.com/docs/default-source/cmri/flcreports/final_a_recovery_landscape_flc_research_report_executive_summary.pdf?sfvrsn=e129d6 d5_6 Willoughby, K.G., Guo, H. et. al. (2008). Measuring Performance: The State Management Report Card for 2008, Governing (March) Special Edition. Available online at: http://www.pewcenteronthestates.org/initiatives_detail.aspx?initiativeID=36072 Willoughby, K.G., Guo, H. et. al. (2005). “A Report Card on Government Performance: Grading the States 2005,” Governing Special Issue, February 2005. . Available online at: http://www.pewcenteronthestates.org/initiatives_detail.aspx?initiativeID=36072 COMPLETED MANUSCRIPTS Frank, H., Guo, H., & Cong, C., Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement 77: Implementation at the State Level. Municipal Finance Journal (Revised and Resubmit) Han Y. & Guo, H., Infrastructure Public-Private Partnerships: The Political Motivation and Conditions. Public Management Review (Revise and Resubmit) CONFERENCE PRESENTIONS Guo, H.(2024) Navigating the Future of Financial Reporting—Insights from the GFOA Member Survey Results, Speak of the Panel of Rethinking Financial Reporting at Government Finance Officer Association (GFOA) Annual Conference, Orlando, FL Guo, H., Shen, R, & Zhang, Z (2024) Local Government Fiscal Competition—Horizontal, Vertical, or Both? Presented at the Spring Public Finance Conference on Applied Public Finance, Omaha, NE Guo, H. & Shen, R. (2024), Enhancing Service Delivery Efficiency through Inter-Local Collaboration: A Network Analysis in Water Service Context, Presented at the Annual Conference of American Society for Public Administration, Minneapolis, MN. Guo, H. (2024) ) Navigating the Future of Financial Reporting—Insights from the GFOA Member Survey Results, Presented at Kansas Government Financial Officers (KSGFOA) Spring Symposium, Wichita, KS Guo, H., Shen, R, & Zhang, Z (2024) Local Government Fiscal Competition—Horizontal, Vertical, or Both? Presented at the Annual Conference of Urban Affairs Association, New York City, NY Guo, H. (2023) Understanding Kansas Local Government Finance, Presented at the Kansas Government Finance Officers (KSGFOA) conference at Overland Park, KS Guo, H. & Alam, S. (2023) Intended and Unintended Consequences of State Rainy Day Funds Rule. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Association of Budgeting and Financial Management, Denver, CO. Wang, X., Guo, H. &Alam, S. (2023). Contracting-out and Financial Conditions--Evidence from Municipal Government in Florida. Presented at World Social Science Association Annual Conference, Tempe, AZ Shen, R. & Guo, H. (2023). Does Inter-Local Collaboration Improve Service Delivery Efficiency? A Network Approach Examining Cities’ Expenditure in Water. Presented at the Annual Conference of Urban Affairs Association, Nashville, TN Cong, Y, Guo, H., Frank, H. & Joffe, M.(2022) The Effect of Pension Change on the Financial Health of Florida Local Retirement Plans. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Association of Budgeting and Financial Management, Miami, FL. Guo, H. (2022) Fiscal institutions and Truth and Integrity of State Budgeting, Presented at the Annual Conference of the Association of Budgeting and Financial Management, Miami, FL. Estorcien, V. Ganapati, S., Guo, H. (2022) Determinants of Revenue in Nonprofit Organizations: An Empirical Assessment of Police Athletic League Chapters Presented at the Annual Conference of the Association of Budgeting and Financial Management, Miami, FL. Guo, H. Frank, H. & Han, Y (2022) Fiscal Intuitions and Truth and Integrity of State Budgeting Presented at the Annual Conference of American Society for Public Administration, Jacksonville, FL. Guo, H., Frank, H. Castro, D. & Cong, D. (2022). You Can’t Handle the Truth: Exploring Discrepancies Between GASB Statement 77’s Purpose, Promise and Execution. Presented at the Annual Conference of American Society for Public Administration, Jacksonville, FL. Guo, H. & Frank, H.(2022) Disclosure of Tax Expenditures in State Budgeting. ASPA FIU Webinar Series Part 2. Castro, D., Guo, H. & Frank, H. (2021) Do Fiscal Reserves Mitigate the Impact of Hurricanes on Fiscal Conditions? Evidence from Florida Counties. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Association of Budgeting and Financial Management, Washington D.C. Le, N & Guo, H. (2021).Grant Fungibility and the Interactive Effects of Federal and State Education Grants in Florida. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Association of Budgeting and Financial Management, Washington D.C. Guo, H., Frank, H. Castro, D. & Cong, D. (2021). Tax Abatement Disclosures: An Examination of the Compliance of GASB Statement No. 77. Presented at the Annual Conference of American Society for Public Administration, Virtual. Guo, H. (2021) Volcker Alliance Review of State Budget Practices, FY 2015-19: Preparing for the Storm – _and Beyond. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Association of Budgeting and Financial Management, Washington D.C. Le, N & Guo, H. (2021). The Management of Education Grant Programs at Local Level: A Case of Miami-Dade School District, Florida Presented at the Annual Conference of American Society for Public Administration, Virtual. Han, Y & Guo, H. (2021) Following the Money or Efficiency? The Government’s Motivation for PPP Utilization. Presented at the Annual Conference of American Society for Public Administration, Virtual. Le, N & Guo, H. (2021)Intergovernmental Grants in School Districts: A Case of MiamiDade School District, Florida. National Educational Finance Academy Conference, Virtual Le, N & Guo, H. (2020). The Effectiveness of Foundation Grants: A Case Study of Florida Presented at the Annual Conference of Western Social Science Association, Virtual. Guo, H. & Castro, D. (2020) Best Practices and Applications of Budget Forecasting and Reserve Fund Presented at the Annual Conference of American Society for Public Administration, Virtual. Guo, H., Frank, H. Castro, D. & Cong, D. (2020). Tax Abatement Disclosures: An Examination of the Compliance of GASB Statement No. 77. Presented at the Annual Conference of American Society for Public Administration, Virtual. Le, N & Guo, H. (2019). Education Equalization Finance Policies: The Effectiveness of the Florida Education Finance Program. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Association of Budgeting and Financial Management, Washington D.C. Castro, D., Guo, H. &Frank, H.(2019). Disclosure of Tax Expenditures in State Budgeting Presented at the Annual Conference of the Association of Budgeting and Financial Management, Washington D.C. Guo, H. (2019). The Future of Public Finance: Lessons from the Volcker Alliance's Truth & Integrity in Government Finance Project. Panelists at the Annual Conference of the Association of Budgeting and Financial Management, Washington D.C. Guo, H., Cheng, S. (2019). Are Public-Private Partnerships in China Launched as an Substitute for Local Debts in Financing Infrastructure? Presented at the Annual Conference of the Association of Budgeting and Financial Management, Washington D.C. Cheng, S., Guo, H., & Liu, C. (2019). Incentivized for Leveling the Playing Field: Do State Economic Incentives Compensate for High Taxes? Presented at the Urban Affairs Conference, Los Angeles, CA. Guo, H., Castro, D., & Frank, H. A. (2019). Disclosure of Tax Expenditure in State Budgeting. Presented at the Annual Conference of American Society for Public Administration, Washington D.C. Guo, H., Frank, H. A., & Castro, D. (2019). Rainy Day Fund and Revenue Volatility. Presented at the Annual Conference of American Society for Public Administration, Washington D.C. Guo, H., Cheng, S., & Zhao, Z. (2019). Are Public-Private Partnerships in China Launched as an Substitute for Local Debts in Financing Infrastructure? Presented at the Southern Political Science Conference, Austin, TX. Guo, H., & Wu, Y. (2018). Fiscal Responsibility Shifting between State and Local Governments. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Association of Budgeting and Financial Management, Denver, CO. Guo, H. (2018). Engaging online course tools to advance student knowledge about public budgeting. Presented at the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA), Atlanta, GA. Guo, H., & Cheng, S. (2018). Inter-City Competition and Local Government Debts in China: A Spatial Econometric Analysis. In 2018 Global Chinese Urban Governance Conference. Shanghai Jiaotong University. Guo, H., & Zhao, Z. (2018). Fragmentation of the Special-purpose Intergovernmental Transfers in China. In 7th Chinese Scholar Forum on Public Administration. Xian Jiaotong University. Cheng, S., & Guo, H. (2018). Inter-City Competition and Local Government Debts in China: A Spatial Econometric Analysis. Presented at the Southern Political Science Association, New Orleans, LA. “Inter-City Competition and Local Government Debts in China: A Spatial Econometric Analysis” Urban Affairs Association Conference, Toronto, CA. March, 2018. “Subnational Governments Fiscal Sustainability” Keynote speech at ESAP International Week, Bogota and Cali, Colombia. Nov, 2017. “An Assessment of States Fiscal Health” (With Howard Frank, Daniel Castro, and Merlene-Patrice Quispe). Annual Conference of the Association of Budgeting and Financial Management, Washington D.C. Oct, 2017. “Inter-City Competition and Local Government Debts in China: A Spatial Econometric Analysis” (With Shaoming Cheng) Annual Conference of the Association of Budgeting and Financial Management, Washington D.C. Oct, 2017. “Subnational Governments’ Fiscal Health” Keynote speech at the 6yh Chinese Scholar Forum on Public Administration, Hangzhou, China, June 2017. “Substitutional or Complementary: The Intra- and Inter-City Effects of Homeowner Associations on Municipal Finance” Urban Affairs Association Conference, Minneapolis, April, 2017. “An Assessment of Southeastern State Fiscal Health” (With Howard Frank) 2017 Annual Conference of American Society for Public Administration, Atlanta, Mar, 2017. “Substitutional or Complementary: The Intra- and Inter-City Effects of Homeowner Associations on Municipal Finance” (With Shaoming Cheng) 2017 Annual Conference of American Society for Public Administration, Atlanta, Mar, 2017. “Property Tax Assessment Appeal—A Tale of Two Counties” (With Michael Paparasta). Annual Conference of the Association of Budgeting and Financial Management, Seattle, WA Oct, 2016. “Local Fiscal Policy and Small Business in Florida: A Spatial Panel Analysis” (With Shaoming Cheng) The 7th International Conference on Public Management in the 21st Century. Macau, China. Oct, 2016. A Potential Solution to Financial Self-Sufficiency of Local Governments?-- An Empirical Assessment of Small Business Establishment in Florida” (With Zhiwei Zhang and Shaoming Cheng). The 8th Sino-US International Conference for Public Administration. Beijng, China. June, 2016. “Community Associations and Local Government Budget” (With Shaoming Cheng). The 8th Sino-US International Conference for Public Administration. Beijng, China. June, 2016. “Local Fiscal Policies and Small Businesses in Florida: A Spatial Panel Analysis” (With Shaoming Cheng). Next Generation of Public Finance Conference. Atlanta, GA. May, 2016. “Community Associations and Local Government Budget: Substitution or Complement?” (With Shaoming Cheng). Urban Affairs Association Conference, San Diego, CA. Mar, 2016. “An analysis of Public Transit Expenditure in Urban China” (With Janey Wang, John Mikesell, Jerry Zhao, and Yang He). Annual Conference of the Association of Budgeting and Financial Management, Washington D.C., Oct, 2015. “The Linkage between Property Tax and New Business Formation and Growth” (With Shaoming Cheng).2015 Annual Conference of American Society for Public Administration, Chicago, Mar, 2015. “Innovative Financing—Testing the Citizen’s Perspective” (With Alfred Ho). 2014 Annual Conference of the Association of Budgeting and Financial Management, Grand Rapids, MI, Oct, 2014. “Redistributive Spending in Hard Times—A Spatial Analysis of State TANF and Medicaid Spending” (With Nakhyeok Choi). 2014 Annual Conference of the Association of Budgeting and Financial Management, Grand Rapids, MI, Oct, 2014. “When Do Governments Obfuscate?” (With Milena Neshkova and Howard Frank). 2014 Annual Conference of the Association of Budgeting and Financial Management, Grand Rapids, MI, Oct, 2014. “The Effect of Property Tax on Business Establishment in Florida” (With Shaoming Cheng). 2014 Annual Conference of American Society for Public Administration, Washington D.C., Mar, 2014. “When Do Governments Obfuscate” (With Milena Neshkova and Howard Frank). 2014 Annual Conference of American Society for Public Administration, Washington D.C. , Mar, 2014. “The Effectiveness of Budget Gap-Closing Strategies: Lessons from Florida’s Local Governments. 2014 Annual Conference of American Society for Public Administration, Washington D.C. , Mar, 2014. “The Effect of Local Taxes on Employment: Evidence from Florida Counties. 106th Annual Conference on Taxations, Tampa, FL., Nov, 2013. “A Spatial Analysis of Florida Local Governments’ Unreserved Fund Balance”, (With Wen Wang), 2013 Annual Conference of the Association of Budgeting and Financial Management. “Fiscal Severity and the Choice of Budget Gap-Closing Strategies”, (With Milena Neshkova). 2013 Annual Conference of the Association of Budgeting and Financial Management. “Fiscal Sustainability: A Close Look at Florida Local Governments’ Unreserved Fund Balance”, (With Wen Wang, Zi Pan), 2013 Annual Conference of American Society for Public Administration, New Orleans, LA, Mar, 2013. “A Tale of Two Professions: How do Municipal Finance and Human Resource Directors View Critical Aspects of a DB to DC Paradigm Shift? Initial Findings from Florida”, (With Howard Frank, Carrie Cong, and Gerasimos Gianakis), Western Social Science Association Annual conference, Denver, Co, April 2013. “Managing Fiscal Distress: Political Cost and Effectiveness of Budget Gap-Closing Strategies”, (With Milena Neshkova), 34th Annual Conference of Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Baltimore, MD, Nov, 2012. “Managerial Quality and State Borrowing Cost: Evidence with the GPP Grades” (With Zhirong Zhao), 24th annual conference of the Association for Budgeting and Financial Management, New York, NY Oct, 2012 “Tactics to Balance the Budget and Political Environment—Evidence from Florida Local Government” (With Milena Neshkova), the 6th Sino-US International Symposium on Public Administration, Beijing, China, June, 2012. “Does Province-Managing-County Reform Improve the Subnational Fiscal Equity Through Intergovernmental Transfers—Evidence from Henan Province” (With Xinye Zheng), the 3rd Chinese Public Administration Scholars Forum, Jinan, China, June, 2012. “Fiscal Institutions and State GO Bond Rating” (With Zhirong Zhao), Public Management Research Conference: Seeking Excellence in a Time of Change, Shanghai, China, May,2012. “Managing Fiscal Distress: Lessons from Florida’s Local Governments" (With Milena Neshkova), Midwest Political Science Association 70th Annual National Conference, Chicago, IL., April, 2012. “Entrepreneurial Approaches to Balance the Budget and Political Environment—evidence from Florida Local Governments, (With Milena Neshkova), 2012. Annual Conference of American Society for Public Administration, Las Vegas, NV. Mar, 2012. “Does Autonomy Foster Public Participation?” (With Milena Neshkova), 10th Public Management Research Conference, Syracuse, NY., June, 2011. “Does Autonomy Foster Public Participation.” (With Milena Neshkova), Midwest Political Science Association 69th Annual National Conference, Chicago, IL., Mar, 2011. “Fiscal Decentralization and Intergovernmental Transfers in China—a Difference-inDifference Approach”, (With Xinye Zheng), 2011 Annual Conference of American Society for Public Administration, Baltimore, MD. , Mar, 2011. “Explaining the Patterns of Citizen Participation in Agency Decision-Making”, (With Milena Neshkova), 32nd Annual Conference of Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Boston, MA. , Nov, 2010. “Disaster Capitalism: A Critical Test of the Natural Type” (With Edwards Ransford), Southeast Conference on Public Administration, Wilmington, NC., Oct, 2010. “Infrastructure Development and Foreign Investment – A Case Study of Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Area (TEDA)”, (With Zhirong (Jerry) Zhao), PREABFM Symposium on China Studies Omaha, NE, Oct, 2010. “State Finance, the New Norm? A Reflection on State Budget Crises” (With Jun Peng), 22nd annual conference of the Association for Budgeting and Financial Management, Omaha, NE, Oct, 2010 “Policy Types, Target Populations, and Participation at State Agencies” (With Milena Neshkova), Western Social Science Association Annual conference, Reno, Nevada. April 2010. “Unlocking the Lock-in Effect: Does the Florida Portability Amendment Stimulate the Change of Homestead?” (With Howard Frank), Western Social Science Association Annual conference, Reno, Nevada. April 2010. “Public Involvement and Organizational Performance: Evidence from State Agencies.” (With Milena Neshkova), 10th Public Management Research Conference, Columbus, OH., Oct, 2009. “Unlocking the Lock-in Effect: Does the Florida Portability Amendment Stimulate the Change of Homestead?” (With Howard Frank), 21st annual conference of the Association for Budgeting and Financial Management, Washington D.C., Sept, 2009. “Citizen Input in Budget Process and Agency Performance: Evidence from State Agencies.” (With Milena Neshkova), Annual Conference of the Association for Budgeting and Financial Management, Washington D.C., Sept, 2009. “Management Discussion and Analysis in Local Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports: Grading Their Disclosure in Tough Times.” (With Howard Frank), Western Social Science Association Annual conference, Albuquerque, NM, April 2009. “Managerial Quality and State General Obligation Bond Ratings: Evidence with the GPP Grades.” (With Zhirong Zhao), 2009 Annual Conference for American Society for Public Administration, Miami, Florida, March, 2009. “Performance Grades and State Bonds Ratings: Evidence from the Government Performance Project”, (with Zhirong Zhao), Western Social Science Association Annual conference, Denver, CO., April, 2008 “Tax Increase or Spending Cut? Budgetary Institutions Matter”, 19th annual conference of the Association for Budgeting and Financial Management, Washington D.C., Nov, 2007. “Institutional Structure and the Accuracy of State Revenue Forecasting”, (with Katherine Willoughby), the 27th Annual International Symposium on Forecasting, New York City, NY., June 24th-27th, 2007 “Do Tax and Expenditure Limitations Limit State’s Tax Adjustment” 18th Annual Conference of the Association for Budgeting and Financial Management, Atlanta, GA., October 19-21, 2006. "State Revenue Forecasting: Results from the Government Performance Project” (with Katherine Willoughby), 18th annual conference of the Association for Budgeting and Financial Management, Atlanta, GA., October 19-21, 2006. “Do Tax and Expenditure limitations limit state’s tax adjustment” Southeast Conference on Public Administration, Athens, GA., September 28, 2006. “State Government Purchasing: Advancements in E-Procurement," (with Katherine Willoughby), Southeast Conference on Public Administration, Athens, GA., September 28, 2006. “Which Costs More: Public Authorities or Municipalities?” with Robert J. Eger III), Western Social Science Association Annual conference, Phoenix, AZ., April, 2006 “Which Are More Efficient: Public Authorities or Municipalities?” (with Robert J. Eger III), 17th Association for Budgeting and Financial Management Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., November 10-12, 2005 “The Policy of Trade-Offs: The Use of Price Index Contracts in Transportation” (with Robert J. Eger III), the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management Conference, Washington, D.C., November 3-5, 2005. “Financing Infrastructure: Fixed Price v. Price Index Contracts” (with Robert J. Eger III), 16th Annual Conference of the Association for Budgeting and Financial Management, Chicago, Ill., October 7-9, 2004. INVITED PRESENTATIONS Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China, Nov 1st , 2016. “Support for Contracting-Out and Public Private Partnership: Exploring Citizen's Perspective.” Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, May 29th, 2015. “Province-Managing-County Reform in China.” Renmin University of China, Beijing, China, June 8th, 2012. “Does Province-Managing-County Reform Improve the Subnational Fiscal Equity Through Intergovernmental Transfers—Evidence from Henan Province” Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai, China, May 23rd, 2012. “Municipal Bond and Credit Rating” East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, May 24th, 2012. “Public Budgeting and Financial Management in the U.S. State and Local Governments” FUNDED RESEARCH Principal Investigator “Kechi City Financial Plan”. City of Kechi amount: $18,416 Principal Investigator “Sedgwick County Revenue Analysis Phase II”. Sedgwick County amount: $62,622 Principal Investigator “Sedgwick County Revenue Analysis”. Sedgwick County amount: $50,310.4 Co-principal Investigator “Is It A Win-win Situation for Local Governments and Citizens?—The Impact of County-Urban District Conversion in China” Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Amount: $33,000 Principal Investigator, Disclosure of Tax Expenditure in State Budgets. Koch Foundation Amount: $174,555. Principal Investigator, Truth and Integrity in Government Finance Project. Volcker Alliance. Amount: $310,661 (Phase I $83,000, Phase II $77,000, and Phase III $83,060; Phase IV $67,601) Co-principal Investigator “Inter-city Competition and Local Government Debts in China” amount: $30,000 Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Principal Investigator, Province-Managing-County Reform and Its Impact on Local Governments’ Budget Structure in China: Evidence from Henan Province. Competitive Faculty Development Grant. College of Arts & Sciences FIU. 2011. Amount: $ 6,050 Guo, H. and Neshkova, M. Does Fiscal Crisis Foster Public Sector Entrepreneurship? Evidence from Florida’s Local Governments, the Eugenio Pino & Family Global Entrepreneurship Center, Amount: $7,500. TEACHING ľĹÉ«ĘÓƵ PADM 709 Urban Economics PADM 865 Public and Nonprofit Financial Management PADM/ECON 765 Public Sector Economics Florida International University Doctoral Courses: PAD 7707 Advanced Applied Research Method II: Master Courses: PAD6701 Quantitative Method (in-class and online): PAD 6227 Public Finance and Budgetary Process (in-class and online): PAD 6306 Policy Analysis and Program Planning PAD 6209 Financial Management in Public and Non-profit sectors: Undergraduate Courses: PAD 4223 Public Sector Budgeting (in-class and online): PAD 4723 Applied Research Method for Policy and Management(online) PAD 4704 Applied Statistics for Policy & Management (online) PROFESSIONAL HONORS, PRIZES, FELLOWSHIPS Kauffman Professor award, 2010 Iowa State University Premium for Academic Excellence Award (PACE), 2001 Iowa State University the Donald E. Boles Distinguished Graduate Student Award, 2002 OFFICES HELD IN PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES Member of Editorial Board of the Journal of Local Government Studies Member of Editorial Board of the Journal of Public Administration Quarterly Member of Editorial Board of the Journal of Review of Public Administration and Policy (in Chinese). Member of Editorial Board of the Journal of Urban Governance. Member of Editorial Board of Statistical Associate (effective on Aug, 8th, 2017) Managing Editor of the Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management (July 1st, 2014—Dec 31st, 2017) Treasurer of Association for Budgeting and Financial Management (2019-2024) Finance committee member of Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA) (2022-2024) Nomination committee member of American Society of Public Administration (ASPA) 2022 By-law committee member of Association for Budgeting and Financial Management Executive Committee member of Association for Budgeting and Financial Management(2015-2017 term) Executive board member of China America Association For Public Affairs (CAAPA)2012 to Present President of China America Association For Public Affairs (CAAPA) 2020 to 2021 Treasurer of China America Association For Public Affairs (CAAPA) 2012 to 2017 OTHER PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES AND PUBLIC SERVICE Services to the University Departmental Committee Member MPA Program Committee (Spring 2009- present) MPA Admission Committee BPA Program Committee Committee on SACS Assessment, Assessing Student Learning Outcomes Graduate Faculty Status, 2008-present Faculty Advisor for Ph.D. students and Academic Advisor for MPA students (2008 –present) Help establish the partnership between FIU Department of Public Administration and China-America Association for Public Affairs (CAAPA) Help establish the partnership between FIU Department of Public Administration and the School of Economic in Renmin University of China Service to the Profession NASPAA Site Visit Team Member to Sun Yat-sen University—Spring 2023 NASPAA Site Visit Team Chair to James Madison University—Spring 2022 NASPAA Site Visit Team Member to Tsinghua University –Spring 2021 Journal reviewer: American Review of Public Administration (ARPA) International Public Management Journal (IPMJ) Journal of Public Administration (China) Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory (JPART) Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management (JPBAFM) Journal of Transportation and Land Use (JTLU) Municipal Finance Journal (MFJ) Public Administration Review (PAR) Public Budgeting and Finance (PBF) Public Finance Management (PFM) Public Performance and Management Review (PPMR) Public Works Management & Policy (PWMP) Publius: the Journal of Federalism Review of Public Personnel Administration (ROPPA) Professional Memberships: American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) Association for Budgeting and Financial Management (ABFM) China America Association For Public Affairs (CAAPA) Western Social Science Association (WSSA)